Saturday 26 September 2009

Mothers Banned from Looking After Each Other's Children

Good grief!

The Mail reports on a staggering case in which...

'Two working mothers have been banned from looking after each other's toddlers because they are not registered childminders. The close friends' private arrangement had let them both return to part-time jobs at the same company. However, a whistleblower reported them to the education watchdog Ofsted and it found their informal deal broke the law....'

Read more by clicking here.


Elizabeth said...

O, Lord in Heaven protect us from clueless politicians!

Kate said...

Every time I read something like this, or accounts of Christians being suspended/dismissed for praying/wearing a crucifix etc., I am reminded of the words of the late Bishop Victor Guazzelli before the 1997 election; that 'Catholics have nothing to fear from a Labour administration'.I cannot source the quotation, but that is what he was reported as saying.

Patricius said...

So the euphemism for snitch is "whistleblower"!

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