Friday 27 November 2009

The Church in Ireland

The Catholic Church in Ireland has been crucified from within. The seeds of destruction were planted by those who in ordained authority who gave free reign to their perversions and temptations, their heresy and their cold brutality, reducing the Church to One from whom men turn away their faces in shame.

Like Christ, She is scourged by the sins of men, and her crown is a Crown of Thorns, a crown not of glory and honour, but of contempt and scorn. Exposed, naked, She now bears the sins of many within and without. Reduced to poverty and derided by men, She becomes an outcast, sorrowful and afflicted and ascends with the heavy burden of sin to Golgotha, where her enemies rejoice at Her failure and Her crucifixion at the hands of men.

What was done in secret, what remained hidden is now shouted from the rooftops. Yet, it is only within the Light of Christ that good can come from this evil. The Blood which poured from from the Heart of Jesus was poured out for those who abused their power also and injured the innocent. Only in that same Heart can the victims find their true recompense, healing and the strength to forgive their abusers, for no amount of money can make satisfaction for innocence lost.

May the Crucified Christ, ravaged, bloodied and torn, Whose Body was broken on the Cross on account of our sins, help the Irish Church, broken and crucified by poor sinners. May the same Light that now reveals a catalogue of sins, cleanse the Church. May the Resurrection renew the hearts and souls of the all the Faithful into the Image of the tender and loving Redeemer.

Pray for the Church in Ireland. For the Church in Ireland incorporates the victims, the abusers, those who covered it up and important to remember, the blameless also.

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