Tuesday 24 February 2009

Ave Verum Corpus by Mozart

The choir tonight practised this little number. Clever chap that Mozart. Its the first time I have sang in polyphony but I really love it. Such a beautiful piece as well. The rest of the music for Ash Wednesday is Gregorian Chant, which is nice, but this piece is a bit special.

Ave, verum corpus
natum de Maria Virgine,
Vere passum immolatum
in Cruce pro homine,
Cujus latus perforatum
unda fluxit et sanguine,
Esto nobis praegustatum
in mortis examine.

Hail, true body
born of the Virgin Mary,
Who truly suffered, sacrificed
on the Cross for man,
Whose pierced side overflowed
with water and blood,
Be for us a foretaste
In the test of death.

With the potential of polyphony like this filling Churches in England and Wales, it still seems incredible some people want guitars, tambourines and kazoos. I guess the point is that some Church music is timeless and that some is just absolutely appalling. Leave it to the masters and if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Take it away Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart...

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