Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Harman Equalities Hilarity

Harriet Harman MP, bless her, keen to make the atmosphere at the first reading of the Equality Bill has been reported as saying that she would like there to be some disabled people in the Commons gallery when she introduces her the next month.

"And it would help if some of them were black," she is said to have told her officials.

Oh, boy! That is priceless!

Let's give this Bill the name it deserves, the Equalie Bill. The problem with the bill is that it is equality for some but not for others. You can bet that it will be used to curtail religious freedom and expression of religious opinion in the UK in the not too distant future. More generally, however, the great problem with legislation like this is that it creates more of this 'forced' equality, instead of true equality which really comes from within and because of God's love.

Every person is made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, don't kill them, hurt them, injure them or deprive them of wages, no matter if you think they're sleeping with men, women, vegetables, animals or minerals. Why can't they come up with a law like that? There are times however, when people do need to discriminate...

(Knock, knock, knock, Priest opens door)

"Hello, Father."

"Hello and what can I do for you?"

"Well, I would like to use your community centre for a special workshop on Tuesday nights."

"I see, what will it be for."

"Satanism. It's a special workshop called, 'Making the best of satanic worship'"

"Hmm...that is slightly at odd with Church teaching, I'm going to have to refuse."

"You can't refuse, it's discrimination. Look, it's here in chapter 6.66 of the Equality Act."

"Good Lord, you're right. Well, I suppose you'd better come in then and we'll book you in for next tuesday."

1 comment:

Physiocrat said...

They could take a few people off the street, break their arms and legs and cover them with shoe polish then they would be black and disabled, no?


33 The really, terribly embarrassing book of Mr Laurence James Kenneth England. Pray for me, a poor and miserable sinner, the most criminal ...