Sunday 8 March 2009

The Eucharist and Transfiguration

Today's reading was on the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Though He was always the Son of God, Our Lord appeared to the Apostles as a man, His Divine Majesty cloaked in human form, for just as He was truly God, He was truly Man. He was like us in all things but sin. At the Transfiguration, however, to three of the Apostles; St Peter, St James and St John, He revealed His Divine Majesty, shining more brilliantly than the Sun, talking with Moses and Elijah on Mount Tabor, while the Voice of the Heavenly Father rang out, "This is My Son, the Beloved. Listen to Him." Likewise, to us, Our Lord appears in the Eucharist as bread, but the substance of what we receive is God Himself, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Like the Apostles when they looked upon Christ much of the time, when we look upon the Eucharist, we are looking at God, but like the Apostles, we don't always fully appreciate this because His Divine Majesty is hidden!

The first reading was about God's commanding Abraham to sacrifice his only son, only for the Angel of the Lord to stop him and say, "Only joking!" God's ways as Fr Ray said in his homily, are not our ways!

Sufjani Stevens 'Abraham' - A nice ditty about Abraham, but not to be played in Church!

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