Thursday, 26 March 2009

Probably the best abortion providers in the World...

Imagine you've just done a hard day's work, come back from the office, put the kettle on and turned on the TV. Then you hear this...

"Have you fallen pregnant?"

"Worried your career or personal enjoyment might be endangered by having a baby?"

"Inconvenient pregnancy?"

"If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then we could help you. Infanticide UK, is the country's leading providers of abortions. At a price that's right we can help you kill your child and leave those baby blues behind. Life is cheap and death is easy, so when you want to destroy innocent human life, come to us and we'll kill your baby."

Well, that day is just around the corner. Yes, that's right, the Government, seemingly unembarrassed by the nation's spiralling rates of abortion are set to give the all clear, no pun intended, to abortion clinics to advertise, at any time of day, on the nations TV channels. What will the effect of this policy shift be? Well, given that advertising works and is highly effective all round, one would imagine the effect will be more abortions, more destruction of human life and more depression in women who suffer the psychological after-effects. It will also encourage abortion as a contraceptive step, rather than the option of last resort.

Talking with a friend of mine this morning, Henry, he came up with an idea that would counter the culture of death that seems to have the nation in its hideous grip. E-baby, would be a new company which would provide childless couples who wished to adopt the chance of raising children unwanted by their natural parents. That way, people wouldn't have to shell out so much for IVF treatment, mothers who didn't want babies could be free of the awesome responsibility of which they are afraid and couples unable to have children but who wanted a baby would be able to have one. Also, babies would be allowed to live, rather than be torn limb from limb in an abortion clinic. Henry's written a piece on it too. Click here for his view of the debacle.

Clearly, the Government's chief fear is of rising teen pregnancies, rather than rising teen abortions and so wishes to counter one with the promotion of another. Abortion, remember, like Euthanasia in Switzerland is big business. There is a lot of money to be made out of people's capacity to snuff out human life. Pro-Life organisations, on the other hand, who don't have the kind of money that the abortion lobby do, are not in the financial position to counter the tide of death emanating from the TV screens when the abortion clinics are able to advertise.

Unfortunately, public opinion will only get half the story of what services are on offer if you have an unwanted pregnancy. Life UK provide pre and post abortion counselling, supportive accommodation and practical help to women and couples who are going through the moral dilemnas of the issues of pregnancy and abortion. Unfortunately, they will be unable to counter the demeaning and inhumane advertising of the abortion companies who have profited from the loss of human life and the vulnerability of women who have fallen pregnant at a difficult time in their lives, and that, is a very depressing thing indeed.

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33 The really, terribly embarrassing book of Mr Laurence James Kenneth England. Pray for me, a poor and miserable sinner, the most criminal ...