Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tim Stanley on Ricky Gervais

'Benedictines' swarm St Peters to bid farewell to a popular and greatly loved Pope

Tim Stanley today notes that the National Secular Society cannot pull in a crowd like this one. There are apparently 200,000 + people present in this image alone. The National Secular Society has, I believe, between 7000 - 10,000 members worldwide. No wonder Ricky Gervais is naffed off. I suppose that the National Secular Society are a creative and laughable, if no longer particularly funny, minority. Anyway, along the 'Where's Wally?' theme, I've created this 'Where's Ricky?' picture. Can you spot him? Clue: he's the guy who is always on the telly...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ricky wouldn't go to an event at which he wasn't the main centre of interest. This rather limits the number of events he can attend.

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