Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The Cardinal Raymond Burke Prayer

I've composed a very short prayer. It goes like this:

O Almighty and Eternal God,
Please let it be Cardinal Raymond Burke
Please let it be Cardinal Raymond Burke
Please let it be Cardinal Raymond Burke
Please let it be Cardinal Raymond Burke
Please let it be Cardinal Raymond Burke
Please let it be Cardinal Raymond Burke
Please let it be Cardinal Raymond Burke
Please let it be Cardinal Raymond Burke
Through Christ our Lord.
Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us 
Not my will, but yours be done, obviously, O Lord.
 If not, then the Cardinal from Sri Lanka, please.
But obviously, You know best.

They say God doesn't like long prayers, but short ones, often. I think that one drags a bit so it can be shortened with less 'Please let it be...'s.

Obviously, I would want to be there to collect a souvenir vial of Bobby Mickens's tears, but I know it may not happen.

Pray for the Church, pray for the Pope and pray for the election of someone who can continue to great work of Pope Benedict XVI, still, until 28th February, gloriously reigning. Paddy Power puts the odds on Cardinal Raymond Burke at 40/1, if you are interested...

I'm just doing some maths in my head, but in the meantime, check out this wonderful photo collection of Cardinal Burke at St Peter's List.

We love you, Holy Father!


Andrew said...


Note to self: remember to swallow coffee 'before' beginning to read the next TTBYHCMT piece.....

Elizabeth said...

Cracked me up! That was laugh-out-loud funny. Sounds like my prayers. Thanks for lightening up the mood here tonight.

Nicolas Bellord said...

Hear! Hear!

And I note that Paddy Power has Richard Dawkins at 666/1

Natasa said...

Excellent! I'm also hoping for Burke or Ranjith. Of course, He knows best. But I'd REALLY like one of them.

Anonymous said...

Chris Bryant's partner heads up this charity who would like to employ their head of education.

Jjoy said...

Amen and amen! I sense a novena coming on...

The Pope Who Won't Be Buried

It has been a long time since I have put finger to keyboard to write about our holy Catholic Faith, something I regret, but which I put larg...