Wednesday, 14 November 2012

United Kingdom: Do You Really Want This?


Lynda said...

This is atheistic totalitarianism which denies basic human rights and freedoms by force. The defenceless children are being abused by inculcating them in evil, immersing them in the most egregious untruths about the nature of man, woman, sex, marriage, procreation, family. And parents are not even being told, never mind consent sought, so they can't protect their children from this indoctrination of the most extreme lies about he most fundamental things, our very nature as human beings. And the totalitarian state arrests the mother or father who stands up for the Truth, and tries to protect his child from this evil being forced on them. This is happening everywhere. This atheistic ideology which denies basic truths about humanity is being forced on people, most especially defenceless children. Parents need to take proactive measures to protect their children. The amendment to the Constitution of Ireland, deceptively and by illegal means on the part of the State, just passed in Ireland is all about taking the natural rights, duties and authority of the mother and father in respect of their children and giving them to the State.

BJC said...

The true face of the LGBT movement and 'liberalism' in general. Intolerant, dogmatic, bigoted, rigid. Denial and projection is a wonderful thing!

Nicolas Bellord said...

This is going to come to the UK and into our schools. Professor John Haldane has forecast that the English hierarchy, in contrast to the Scottish, will be inactive in opposing this. Evidently the Papal Nuncio thinks they ought to do something.

To-day I voted UKIP in the police elections as a protest vote against the Conservatives for whom I will never vote again until they drop their policy in favour of same-sex marriage.

The Pope Who Won't Be Buried

It has been a long time since I have put finger to keyboard to write about our holy Catholic Faith, something I regret, but which I put larg...