Friday 23 January 2015

Everybody, All Together Now...

"Bri-iiight eyes!"

If you are unfamiliar with this classic film and book, do watch the trailer.

Eerie...Note the abusive, insulting seagull. Watership Down is a children's film. It's also one of the most brutal, savage and violent depictions of rabbit life in film history.

My name's Laurence England, otherwise known as the Fourth Rabbit of the Apocalypse
and co-prophet to the co-prophets of These End Times...


  1. "Watership Down" is a vey entertaining book

  2. 'Fourth Rabbit of the Apocalypse' love it. Hope you are growing lots of lettuces on your allotment!

  3. Speaking of rabbits, I was just wondering:

    If Francis had learned of the circumstances of the woman who had 8 C-sections by way of the confessional, or during the course of other 'pastoral' counselling between he and the woman, has he violated the 'seal of confession' and may be excommunicate?

    He all but identified her when he outed her by way of carefully detailing her circumstances.

    My mind says (unhappily) that Francis must publicly clarify whether he came by this knowledge in the confessional.

    I'm no ecclesiologist, but my understanding is an excommunicate cannot be pope.

    1. There have been more obvious things that point to the Pope not subscribing to the Faith. He has a false, anti-Catholic idea of God, His Holy Church, and the moral law. Lord, help us!!

  4. You is not the Fourth Rabit of the Apolcalysp, on I is the Fourth Rabit of the Apolcalysp.

  5. You is not the Fourth Rabit of the Apolcalysp, on I is the Fourth Rabit of the Apolcalysp.

  6. " of the most brutal, savage and violent depictions of rabbit life in film history"

    There have been other depictions of rabbit life in film history? Who knew? Pray tell, I'm all ears. Being a rabbit fan of cinema, that is. I really want to burrow down into this little-known warren of film history. There must be some nuggets, real 9-carrot stuff, out there. Go on, lettuce in on the secret! I can hardly breed with the excitement. Oh well, I expect there's quite a lot of light-weight Fluff, and it may be quite a short tail really. Not a lot to get one's teeth into.


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