Thursday 10 July 2014

Order your Controversial Catholic Birthday/Wedding Cakes Today!

I suggest we target atheist, specifically LGBT affiliated atheist and/or protestant bakeries up and down the British Isles and seeing how many people object. We're not seeking publicity. We don't want to bring people to court or to sue people though if it comes to that, we'll be ready. We're just telling the truth in charity. Remember always to give them the translation!


  1. You are too funny!! We do need some levity now and then to palliate the sorrows and absurdities of our post Christian culture.

  2. Hmmm. You would certainly get arrested for proposing the second cake, because you will 'hurt' a gay, which is now a crime crying out to The Lord Chief Justice for vengeance .

    In respect of the Northern Ireland bakery who are being hounded by the so called equalities commission, I would suggest that if compelled to put a pro LGBTIQ slogan on the cake, they also add that this statement does not necessarily reflect the views of the bakery.

    (Interesting, as I typed LGBT, the iPad immediately typed LGBTIQ. I wonder when other letters of the alphabet will be added, e.g. P, Z)

  3. It does make you wonder what would happen. Maybe somebody really ought to give it a try and see just how "tolerant" other people are. What would happen, for example, if the people from the Coalition for Marriage went into a 'gay' bakery and asked for a cake to be baked with 'against gay marriage' plastered all over it, because one of their supporters was getting married at the weekend? Would the 'gay' bakery be labelled as "intolerant" and get threatened with legal action if they politely refused and said "it's against our beliefs"? I think we all know the answer. More likely C4M's request would be seen as provocative and a "hate crime".

  4. That's actually a fine idea - turn the tables.

    "St Paul, the leader of the Christian army and the invincible orator, battling for the cause of Christ, skillfully turns even a chance inscription (temple to an unknown god) into an argument for the faith; for he had learned from the true David to wrest the sword from the hands of the enemy and to cut off the head of the boastful Goliath with his own weapon." Leo XIII

  5. Dominic Vobiscum11 July 2014 at 22:26

    BJC - Can you identify any 'gay bakeries' because I've never heard or seen of any?

  6. Well on this side of the pond our prez is about to pass an Executive Order called ENDA which means that our recently fired and gaily married Catholic high school principal, Mark Zmuda, will win a lot of Catholic money in a lawsuit and be offered his old job back.

  7. Dominic Vobiscum

    It's a rhetorical question but now you've asked here are a couple of links:

  8. ummmm...I wouldn't EAT the cake. Knowing that side's penchant for purposely hurting people and for violence, no telling what would be 'added' to it...if you know what I mean.


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