Wednesday 30 April 2014

No Comments at The Catholic Herald

While we reflect prayerfully upon what it means in the life of the Church when a blog set up to defend the Pope and the Magisterium is closed by order of a Bishop, it is worth noting that readers of The Catholic Herald are unable to comment upon the closure of Protect the Pope.

I find it most interesting that the mainstream Catholic press incorporated a 'comments facility' into their articles and blogs so that the Faithful (and unFaithful) may actively participate in discussion on the subject matter. To me, today's reality is that commentary on the closure of the Protect the Pope blog is not welcome and that speaks volumes as to how much The Catholic Herald really esteems the opinions of its readers, the majority of whom are the Catholic faithful, be they clergy, religious, or lay. I am certain that the editorial team has its 'reasons', but I expect none of them are particularly good ones. We wouldn't want a scene now, would we? It would be better for one man to be silenced rather than risk any 'trouble', wouldn't it? Have some 'High Priests' been in touch, I wonder?

The interesting thing is that the dereliction of duty on the part of swathes of the once great Catholic press in reflecting the opinions of the Faithful is one good reason why blogs, such as Protect the Pope and others started in the first place. The blog, Protect the Pope, was popular and had many readers partly because it spoke about those things hidden that really needed to be revealed. It shone a light on the ineffectiveness and complacency of so many Bishops and priests complicit in the dissident movements that hamper the mission of the Catholic Church.

Clearly, there are some Bishops, priests and Catholic newspaper staff, be they writers or proprietors who really do prefer, as Pope Francis called it, a 'bat-like' existence, preferring the shadows of secrecy, with a horror for notions of transparency and with zero interest in the opinions of Christ's flock. Clearly, someone, somewhere either at The Catholic Herald itself or somebody who wields influence with its comments policy, does not like 'the light' and fears the voices of those who read Protect the Pope, who are Christ's Faithful - since supporters of that blog are faithful to the Church's teaching. Under the wings of Bishops, meanwhile, and under their protection are those who wish to remake the Church into that organisation that springs not from Her true identity, but from their perverted imaginations.

The Deacon, Nick Donnelly has obeyed his Bishop in his request to close down the blog that - even though while he stopped writing on it recently upon his Bishop's request - continued to have those in authority in the Catholic Church getting 'hot under the collar'. I do hope that the abuse of authority that would appear to be at the heart of this action against this Deacon, who respects his vows of obedience to his superior has not taken on a new life of its own in the offices of The Catholic Herald who, one would assume, not only have a duty to inform its readership of such puzzling events taking place in the Church, but, in the interests of discussion, in the interests of transparency and in the interests of respecting its readership's desire to offer its opinions, would allow them to comment if only just to make known their gratitude, in an esteemed publication, for the blog that has been sacrificed for Heaven knows why.

Such indifference to the opinions of the readership are an insult not just Deacon Nick Donnelly who has invested so much time and energy in protecting the Pope and Teaching of the Church through writing online, but indeed to all who read The Catholic Herald online. Of course, it is good that the newspaper has highlighted this as a headline, but I, for one, would have liked to leave a comment of support for the Deacon who I feel is the target of some very unjust treatment. Perhaps consider putting a couple of quid in the poor box instead of buying the newspaper. Money is the only language the establishment Press understand.

Pray for the Bishop who ordered the closure of Protect the Pope. Such draconian action on the part of any Bishop on any loyal servant - son - of the Church suggests worrying issues with 'Fatherhood'. Perhaps this Bishop sees his role as some kind of profession in which those 'beneath' you require validation from you in speaking the truth. Didn't Our Lord say something about those who abuse power and authority given to them in His name?

It is a possibility, though not a foregone conclusion, that other bloggers - clergy and possibly lay - will be placed under an element of pressure in the future. To the enemies of the Truth, that one blog has been closed will be ample encouragement to try to silence those with a commitment to the Magisterium who regard blogging on the Catholic Faith as an important feature of their work for Christ in the Salvation of Souls. I doubt any Bishop would feel threatened by a 'peripheral' blog such as mine, but just in case, I should let it be known now - and this is no criticism of the ordained who have taken particular vows of obedience - there will be no 'white flag', since to hold ones tongue in today's Catholic Church, would be to ignore a hundred thousand voices, in Heaven and on Earth.

Update: Comments are up and running on the Herald article. Must have been a technical glitch! Whoever turned the light on, well done. Deo gratias! Go over and offer your support to Deacon Nick and make your views known.


  1. you are doing a good job with your blog so don't stop! you can't be ordered to stop by anyone. Please continue.

    God Bless


  2. The abusive silencing of Deacon Nick is one reason I'll never seek ordination into the "permanent diaconate". I imagine this unjust action will scuttle many vocations, as men consider that "when you take the king's shilling, you become the king's man".

  3. But it does show how pointless such attempts at control on the internet are. You ban comments and all you get are tweets and blogs commenting. You close blogs and you create even more publicity. Quite apart from the intrinsic wrongness of shutting down sources of orthodox Catholic opinion, it simply doesn't work.

  4. "Deacon" Nick should just carry on. Britain is a free country, or at least, it was. The Bishop's actions are typical of the creeping authoritarianism we are seeing in many institutions in this country. If I can paraphrase: The Bishop of ----- hath no jurisdiction in this realm of England.

  5. What the hierarchy doesn't seem to get into its collective brain cell is that if it upheld the Catholic faith there wouldn't be any need for robust blogs. QED.

  6. Deacon Nick has been silenced and yet a certain Monsignor is allowed to carry on writing in the Catholic press. It doesn't make sense.

  7. In the U.S. Michael Voris' The Vortex and came under the ire of his bishop and he could not use the name 'catholic'. Ha! And there is no heresy at his site now called but he does shine light into some dark places. However "catholics for a free choice" and other dissenting groups carry on with impunity.

    Tis a difficult time in the church with even the Holy Father seeming to speak out of both sides of his mouth on issues such that the faithful are confused and so many uncatechised to begin with.

  8. Well either you haven't read their blog or your they took note of your criticism, for comments on the silencing of deacon Donnelly abound at Catholic Herald blogspot.

  9. It doesn't make sense alright "the Church leaders" are either schizophrenic or have lost the Catholic faith...

    ..they are not Catholic anymore-

    Being a truly Catholic leader means you want to show people how to love Our Lord with their whole heart and mind and soul. It means showing them that we are nothing but misery, helplessness and futility without the saving grace of Our Lord Jesus ,Who through the spilling of His most Precious Blood and His Glorious Resurrection from the dead - we have the Sacraments - and so we can obtain salvation...and have a heart to heart relationship even now with Him on this earth. What else to live for - all the rest is conversation...and ephemeral- PUFF!

    It means having the duty and the desire to tell the whole world about this wonder - the Truth - so that God and souls should be the only priority for the leaders of the Catholic Church...but what do we see? A bunch of politically-minded, earthbound individuals who have no Catholic Faith...Come on...

    I have to face it - most of them have lost the faith - only a handful are true shepherds - and they are no longer in any in key postions..

    ...we won't get anything from the present ones at the top.. ...

    I'm afraid this is the depressing reality...

    Shouldn't stop us pleading and praying and speaking out to Our Lord and His Mother and yes - even to them! Dreadful individuals - bunch of traitors... who don't understand a thing...


  10. Surely like everything else you'll blame this on a Masonic conspiracy.

  11. "Surely like everything else you'll blame this on a Masonic conspiracy."

    Good point. I must investigate this more - it would make as much sense (perhaps more) as any other explanation I've heard about the destruction of Catholicism and Catholic identity that we are witnessing at present with our very own eyes - and ears...let's see...


  12. Why can't Deacon Nick start an anonymous blog? The beauty of the Internet is the ability to retain anonymity. I sure as hell would if I were him.
    Seattle Kimmy


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