Wednesday 6 May 2015

Your Official Catholic Blogger's Voting Guide

Step 1: Walk into polling booth with polling card and remove Pritt Stick glue and image of Christ the King from pocket.

Step 2: Take polling card and fasten image of Christ the Eternal King in a space where yet no other name appears, perhaps sticking the image at the top of the polling card, since 'He must be King until He has put all his enemies under His feet and the last of these enemies is' Caroline Lucas.

Step 3: Mark a clear X next to the image of Christ the King to show that in no way are you spoiling your ballot paper, but are, in fact, beautifying it with the image of our Redeemer.

Step 4: Pray the prayer for the conversion of England and leave the polling booth.


  1. Not a bad idea!

  2. Mr Bones,
    Thank you very much for this great tip.

    I was thinking to add St Michael the Archangel as a candidate for this election.

    God Bless!

  3. May God have mercy on UK and the whole Europe, we're in serious danger, hope I won't die under some Islamic state..

  4. The best part is, when He wins, He won't even have to form a coalition government.

  5. So you are telling people not to vote? The ballot paper will be seemed as spoiled. Why not use the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and use your vote.

  6. I guess we vote with our lives, more or less, everyday for the sort of eternal 'government' we ultimately want.


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