Thursday 22 January 2015

Controversial Pope Francis Promotional Poster Includes No Occult Symbols Says Vatican

This official Pope Francis 'Mercy and Compassion' Poster has some conspiracy theorists talking...

The Vatican has issued an official statement on a controversial poster for Pope Francis's visit to the Philippines denying that the poster includes any occult symbolism.

In a short statement, the Vatican confirms...

'Recent articles and images on the internet have surfaced with regard to some promotional material and hand-signals given by Pope Francis and other Cardinals present at His Holiness's visit to the Philippines. While these continuing conspiracy theories may provide curiosity and excitement for Christ's Faithful and others, they are damaging to the reputation of the Pope and therefore must be condemned as preposterous. The poster [pictured above] promoting Pope Francis's visit to the Philippines contains no occult symbolism whatsoever and we would like to stress that anybody seeing occult imagery in this poster is reading too much into simple logos and symbols that are perfectly innocent and Christian in origin.'

The statement, however, has not impressed the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse and Co-Prophet of These End Times, your host, William Tapley who remains convinced that the poster does include deliberate occult imagery. Here he is, your host, William Tapley, for your entertainment...


  1. A certain Patsy Cline song comes to mind.

  2. Is this true Bones?If the Holy See sanctioned this poster then God Help us!Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.God Bless.Philip Johnson.

  3. This post nearly had me fooled - perhaps you need to put a health warning up!

    The strange circular arms do appear to be genuine however. They remind me of the childish logos I have seen at the top of French Diocesan websites where the diocesan symbol is a lop-sided cross, or assymetrical cross or tiny spindly cross or leaning to one side cross usually in some primary colour. None of the sites I have ever consulted bears a proper prominent Crucifix. One design defies description - I am sure it represents something but no idea what. I don't know which artists were commissioned to do the logos but whatever they cost was too much!

    The conspiracy theorist in the film however is going a bit far identifying the Cardinals' sashes (I don't know what the correct term is) as 666 !! One of my sons had a phone number with 666 in which rather amused him at the time.

  4. I get that you don't like Pope Francis, but if you accept what this man is saying then you must abandon the Church. For example, if the Vatican congregation of Bishops agreed to place a satanic sign in the floral display at Francis's coronation (one of the many examples he gives) then the problem is not that they elected a Pope you don't like, but that the entire institution has erred at best or, more likely, is promoting satanism itself. Well, if you believe that then saying, "I rather like that Cardinal Burke chap" isn't exactly enough. You would have to leave the Church and turn to a form of worship that does not imperil your soul. P.s. Google the Benedict satanist videos - there is convincing evidence that he was a pro-mason homosexualist. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he was up to something when he was living above a gay sauna!! This corruption goes back years. Possibly we have had satanism since the 1960s

  5. philip,

    no my photoshopped poster is not true,, its a joke.

    the third eagle has his own ideas on the true poster.

  6. The Third Eagle video reminded me of what GK Chesterton wrote regarding the mad man:

    "The last thing that can be said of a lunatic is that his actions are causeless. If any human acts may loosely be called causeless, they are the minor acts of a healthy man; whistling as he walks; slashing the grass with a stick; kicking his heels or rubbing his hands. It is the happy man who does the useless things; the sick man is not strong enough to be idle. It is exactly such careless and causeless actions that the madman could never understand; for the madman (like the determinist) generally sees too much cause in everything. The madman would read a conspiratorial significance into those empty activities. He would think that the lopping of the grass was an attack on private property. He would think that the kicking of the heels was a signal to an accomplice. If the madman could for an instant become careless, he would become sane. Every one who has had the misfortune to talk with people in the heart or on the edge of mental disorder, knows that their most sinister quality is a horrible clarity of detail; a connecting of one thing with another in a map more elaborate than a maze. If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by the things that go with good judgment. He is not hampered by a sense of humour or by charity, or by the dumb certainties of experience. He is the more logical for losing certain sane affections. Indeed, the common phrase for insanity is in this respect a misleading one. The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason."

  7. I'm Filipino, the widow of a Catholic Englishman [God rest his soul.]

    When he and I married in Church a long, long time ago, my would-be sister-in-law, who is a sculptor and goldsmith, designed our wedding rings. It's that of the snake with his tail in its mouth.

    I didn't know what it meant. I just thought it might be one of England's symbols. I was in love with my bridegroom and was thankful to his sister for the rings.

    My husband died four years ago, still wearing his wedding ring. I still wear mine, because my finger has grown fat and I couldn't take it off. [I'm 71.]

    As it does not impede circulation of that finger, I don't consider it a problem that I could not take the ring off. I thought I'd die still wearing it.

    Now, I'm scared...


  8. The time has come for the infestation to be made known to the world, from within the Temple of God. While many people would reject such an abomination – were it presented to them in an open way – the truth is that many of them will be none the wiser. But when the satanic symbols are placed within the churches, they will exert a power over the innocent and without your prayers, sacrifices and suffering, they will be taken away from Me. - See more at:

  9. Damian Thompson's latest article on the Catholic Herald website has as usual many comments including the following:

    'One Traddie Brighton blog is full of this conspiracy stuff.'

    I wonder which one is being referred to?!!


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