Sunday 4 August 2013

Chesteron Cause to Open?

Read James Preece's great news that the cause for GK Chesterton's beatification is said to be on its way to opening. Deo gratias! Another possible patron saint of Catholic bloggers? The more the better!


  1. On what basis is he being suggested for sainthood??

  2. Dunno. Loads of great Catholic books?

    1. Yes, he's certainly responsible for lots of great books, and great apologetics, etc. However, I've never heard anything to suggest that he was remarkably holy, heroic, etc. I've been an admirer for years and like to watch the series on him on EWTN but I never heard anything about him that would suggest sainthood. If there is, it's been kept very quiet.

  3. Why not, everybody else's cause is being considered. Lets not forget Belloc and well, I could go on, but I won't.

    On the other hand If we resume the tactic of airbrushing away the concept of sin, we can all become saints.

    By the way, I know of one definite saint, my younger brother who died baptised at the age of three!

  4. If he is canonised, I hope he is given the title "Doctor of Common Sense"!


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