Monday 22 April 2013

So, Guys? Have You Set a Date Yet?

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Also, has anyone else noticed that more or less as soon as Pope Paul VI instituted a World Day for Vocations, the Church entered into a vocations crisis? I expect that in the 'bad old days', every day was a day of prayer for vocations...


  1. I think Cardinal Schonborn's position may have been misrepresented or 'over-interpreted' by a certain liberal publication. Some traditional bloggers were present and give a quite different account.

  2. Serious comment - why don't you join the priesthood. You are currently a soul-searching committed Catholic (tick), unmarried and not likely to be (tick), unemployed (tick) and orthodox (tick). Surely it's absurd for you not to become a priest and lead when you (and anyone else) can see the problem with the Church is so many poor priests. A lot of us are not in the position you are, which gives you the freedom to join. Please do consider.

  3. Madness - in plain sight. The Emperor lost his clothes 50 years ago but still most among Bishops and priests continue with the charade. And the general public have become desensitised to the lies and accept it all without question.

  4. Bones - you might consider a Private Eye style mislabelling of people sometime - it adds to the hilarity!

  5. Marini and Schoenborn, I think.

    Google images claims that this photo is visually similar:

    So perhaps M and S think they are on a Chinese gameshow.

  6. Marini and Schoenborn, indeed.

  7. @ Patty

    Men who have the particular cross to bear that Laurence has declared in relation to himself would not be graced with a genuine vocation to the priesthood.

    And anyway, Laurence is serving the Church well through this blog, in terms of both his heroic witness, and oftentimes, witty repartee in the face of all these very grave events that come into focus day in and day out, such as the attempted rehabilitation of +Piero Marini.

  8. They are in direct opposition to objective moral truth as recognisable by our reason. They ought to be removed from ministry ASAP. They are endangering millions of souls.

  9. Cardinal Schonborn is not endangering millions of souls. It's in large part thanks to him that we have the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Archdiocese of Vienna has written to the Bitter Pill to correct the misrepresentation of the Cardinal's views.

  10. @ Anonymous. Well, I respectfully disagree. All priests suffer the torments of the flesh, I don't see why any type of desire should be deemed inherently more unpriestable (if that's a word) than the other. I mean, isn't the point of priestly celibacy about sacrifice in marriage to Christ? Besides, if lust is a sin condemning us to hell, then surely a lustful disposition is no reason not to join the priesthood (unless one willfully intends to violate Natural and Divine Law and secure their damnation). Actually, the enforced celibacy of priesthood might be helpful here.

    And of course I absolutely accept that Bones is serving the Church with his blog, but come on, we're not Lutherans. There is a difference between a priest and anyone else: the one is an agent of christ the other is offering opinions. No matter how well founded an opinion or belief may be, we Catholics believe that it can't, on its own, save souls. Only through the sacrament administered by a priest can we be saved. So it's theologically wrong to imply any man's counsel is as good as that offered by the Church. No one can serve souls like a priest

  11. This is only the latest in decades of such misstatements and misfeasance by Cardinal Schomborn.

  12. Amfortas, the Catechism of the Council of Trent is still a superb summary of Catholic doctrine. Your statement seemed to give excessive kudos to Cardinal S.


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