Wednesday 14 November 2012

Papal Nuncio Encourages Bishops to Combat the Culture of Death

Thank you, Archbishop Mennini for encouraging our Bishops to be bold in proclaiming the sanctity of marriage, the family and human life.

Our Bishops do need encouragement.

I pray that they will respond with the same generosity with which they have been asked to take up the fight against the culture of death.


  1. I'm listening; hoping to hear more than the sound of a pin dropping.

  2. If I may change the topic somewhat: Cardinal Dolan has proposed reintroducing meatless Fridays for the US. England reintroduced it for just over a year already. May I ask if it has been well received, and has it borne any fruit so far?

  3. Isn't it crazy that the Bishops of England and Wales need to be told this?!! And in such a gentle, delicate way, as if coaxing children whose understanding is limited! These Bishops are tasked with leadership in Faith and Morals, with the salvation of souls. They have lost their way - pray daily for them.

  4. Anthony's question is good.


  5. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. The natural connection RC=fish -on- Friday has been too long lost. And in some parishes (such as my own) the re-introduction was not announced other than via a pastoral without comment or follow-up. You can't assume that the new generation will even understand what you are talking about on this.

  6. Meatless Fridays in UK?

    Yes, me. No idea about anyone else. I am reminded that in the days when we 'proper school dinners, fish on Fridays was the norm, including in my CofE-run school.

  7. That children and unscathed hissed adults cannot be taught the Faith, and it's proper practice, has been the excuse used for decades not to teach the Faith in its fullness. That is nonsense, and simply an excuse not to do ones duty and teach the Faith. It is soured by those who do not want people to have the great gift of Faith. People, adults and children are crying out, in desperation, for spiritual and moral truth - and they are being denied it.

  8. correction: "children and uncathechised adults". Thanks.

  9. Well, then, this leads to the next question: What should the Church do? Since it has not been taken up, give up meatless Fridays again?


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