Sunday 26 August 2012

The Men Who Rule the World

 The Men Who Rule the World

Allow me to tell you the story of the family
Who bought you, the World, as you know it now,
Who’ve brought the World to the edge of calamity
And beyond, for such is their power

You see the scales always work for them favourably
Let’s take a stroll down Rothschild Boulevard
They are the Profiteerers, across centuries they stride
See how their politicians always win by a landslide
The men who rule the World

The cause of countless tears, how do they sleep at night?
The men who rule the World
The Jews were just their asking price!

Name me the architect of the Balfour Declaration?
To pave the way for the new creation?
Show me the men who created the state of Israel
The men who rule the World
Are so very clever
While you work for your crust it’s all for their pleasure
The men who runs the money supply
I’ll show you the man who rules the World
And who is mining for diamonds and gold?
Whose agents own the very companies?
Who is it then who bets against your currency?
On the day that it falls through the floor?
Show me the man orchestrating the price of gold
I'll show you the man who rules the World!

They’re the Profiteerers, across centuries they stride
See how their politicians always win by a landslide
The men who rule the World
So hated the people that
They own all of the major record labels
They brought you Madonna and Lady Gaga
But only Our Lady brings you Her Son
You rarely read about them in the Press and here’s why
The men who own the mass media
The same men who rule the World

The Rothschilds and the Rockerfellers
Are so very clever
Show me the men who run the money supply
If you can show me the man who runs the oil supply
I’ll show you the men who rule the World

Show me the man who runs the gold supply
I’ll show you the men who rule the World
Show me the man who rules the diamond supply
I'll show you the men who rule the World
Show me the man who rules the music industry
I'll show you the men who rule the World

Show me the man who owns your newspapers
I'll show you the men who rule the World

Show me the man who owns your politicians
 I'll show you the men who rule the World
But who owns the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church?
The True Lord of Heaven and Earth!

Pray daily for the conversion of the Rothschilds and the Rockerfellers...I promise I will never sell out, because nobody will ever ask me to do so.

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