Sunday 20 November 2011

Across Universae Ecclesiae

As promised...The tune sounds quite familiar, but I just can't 'imagine' where I've heard it before.

Across Universae Ecclesiae

Prayers rise from the Faithful
Like the incense rises from the Altar
As is written
All Across
Universae Ecclesiae
Contrite hearts and consolation
Together Ad Orientem
The Choir sings the Kyrie



Mass alone can change the World
So save the liturgy and save the World
The Mass alone can change the World
So save the liturgy and save the World

Tender mercy invites us
To wonder at His Majesty
The Love that's written
All Across
Universae Ecclesiae
Priest mediates for the Faithful
Stands in persona Christi
The Choir sings the Gloria

In excelsis Deo


Mass alone can change the World
So save the liturgy and save the World
The Mass alone can change the World
So save the liturgy and save the World

Priest announces Verbum Domini
Thurifer, torches and MC
Is written all across
Universae Ecclesiae
Acolytes and Priest you see they genuflect upon the knee
The Gospel Acclamation peels



Mass alone can change the World
So save the liturgy and save the World
The Mass alone can change the World
So save the liturgy and save the World

Recollect the Lord of Lords will condescend
Disguised as bread and wine
Upon the Altar
All Across
Universae Ecclesiae
Priest utters Ineffable and holy words of Consecration
The Sacrifice of Calvary

Agnus dei qui tollis


Tollis peccata mundi
Tollis peccata mundi
Tollis peccata mundi

'Oh good there's no Sign of Peace'

Deo gratias
Deo gratias
Deo gratias
Deo gratias
Deo gratias
Deo gratias

And remember. NOBODY is bigger than Jesus! Meanwhile, I found this comment on Rorate amusing...

Beryl said...
Sorry, but when I tried to play this song on Fr Blake's website I could not understand a word because of the bad enunciation of the singer. Inaudible! I thought it was rot. Having read the words via Rorate Caeli's link I wish they had not been set to 'music' but left as they were. The appearance of the singer also irritated me.

That's the price of fame in the traditional Catholic World's new media. They build you up only to knock you down. I'm getting an injunction out on this Beryl character!


  1. You are excelling yourself! Has the HF been sending you private emails?

    After all these years a young person has redressed the nonsense of John Lennon's remark about being bigger than Jesus Christ....

    I think John himself, wherever he is today, is probably very glad.....

  2. I'm really enjoying your songs! Proves "trads" do have a sense of humour after all ;-)

    Also, nice structure this song has, following the structure of the Mass.


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