Friday 9 September 2011

Curl Up With a Good Book...

The Gospel according to Keith
While browsing the comments on Fr Blake's post, The Illiberality of a local MP' I noticed a comment from someone called Keith Sharpe who took the opportunity to plug his book, The Gay Gospels, in which he gives a 'rainbow' slant to Sacred Scripture. By the way, I did rather enjoy the bit in Michael Voris's speech in London when he said that the rainbow had been nicked from the Catholic Church (and the Jews also) by the gay movement. Anyway, that is an aside.

As far as I know, Mr Sharpe is not a Catholic, so I shouldn't spend too much denouncing him on my blog, as outside of the Church, the idea that you can rewrite Salvation History according to your sexual or ideological preferences is even more widespread than it is within Her. Similarly, heresies of every kind are (surprisingly) even more widespread outside of the Church than they are inside of Her. If we were to tackle every example of modern 'spiritual' books written by moral relativists with an ideological agenda we really would be here all day. However, given that Mr Sharpe took so much time and effort to pop up on a Catholic Priest's blog in order to defend the practise of homosexuality, let's examine his arguments...Actually, let's not because the Church has spoken and in Her Teachings She cannot err.

All I'll say is this: There are no 'Gay Gospels'. The Good News for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people is that the Lord Jesus died for you as much as He died for anyone else. Upon Himself, He took your sins and your guilt and shame also, even your 'Pride'. The Good News for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people is that despite the heavy Cross you carry, the Lord Jesus loves you unconditionally and desires an intimate relationship with you. He looks upon you, as He looks upon all, with tender compassion and love. You have been called to be witnesses not to sexual licence nor even to your own sexuality, but to the Resurrection and to the high life of chastity for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

If ever you should fall, know that the Lord receives you with the same tenderness in the Sacrament of Penance in which your souls is restored to your Baptismal glory. The Lord did not come for the righteous, but for sinners. Embrace the Cross that for reasons unknown to you, has been given you, in imitation of the Saviour Who in embracing suffering, contempt, ridicule and death in this World, opened up the glorious gates of the next for you. He is your true Spouse and no other will satisfy, no matter how attractive they may be in this passing World, for the sufferings of this World are passing and you must never forget the eternal bliss of the one to come, which is your destiny, if you embrace Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Anyway, why not curl up with a good book, rather than a tawdry book that more or less asserts that St Mary Magdalen, after her conversion, went on to set up brothels all over the Holy Land.

Alan Bancroft has written a book entitled Catechism with the Thoughts of the Cure of Ars, James Preece has written an excellent review of it on his blog and I must say I found it a rather interesting alternative to the Penny Catechism published by the CTS. The quotes from St Jean Vianney are well-chosen and nicely placed. It is simple, but like any good Catechism, goes straight to the point in language which is easy enough for children as well as adults to understand. I'd recommend Alan Bancroft's translation of the Hugues d'Orfeuille book happily.

You can buy it at St Paul's Multimedia for £9.95. Perhaps I should think about getting some in at wholesale price and selling them on The Bones Store.


  1. I think it's wonderful to hear people's individual preciousness to God affirmed.

    What a beautiful example, in your words Laurence.

    We are all, each one of us, as the Pope says "God's ideas" made real and eternal.

    Earthly pleasures are tempting because the fact is, they do offer pleasure, but their satisfaction is never lasting enough. We always end up needing and wanting more. That's why adverts claim the latest product is the 'best ever' suggesting it can't be beaten, until it is. Same with earthly pleasures, they exaggerate their satisfaction value. Our inner hungers and desires confirm to us that we are made for a more lasting satisfaction, dare I say never ending!

    Yeh, I do, cos it's true. I identify with that desire, that something can last forever.

    People sometimes get annoyed when others tell them that they have to wait for their realisation of fulfillment or hapiness, but that's not what is really required. If we surrender our self will in the area of our sexual behaviour, we are given the gift of anticipation. Anticipation is very different to thumb twiddling waiting. It is joyful, occasionally giving glimpses of bliss.

    God bless you!

  2. I snorted at Voris' comment about the rainbow too. :-)

  3. Thank you, Laurence, for your very kind mention of my translation of the Hugues d'Orfeuille catechism, which he linked with thoughts from the Cure' of Ars.

    A couple of small points. I am not sure that I regard the book as an "alternative" exactly to the Penny Catechism. Near the end of the book I give cross-references (Lesson by Lesson) to what I call three "inexpensive and excellent publications" that can usefully be read with the book - or it with them. These are the Compendium to CCC, *the Penny Catechism* and the booklet by Fathers Holden and Pinsent called "Credo". All these are published by the CTS. That said, the Hugues d'Orfeuille catechism can (as you say or imply) be read entirely on its own.

    Its publishers are St Pauls Publishing, London (website:

    Many thanks again, Laurence.

  4. Laurence, that is a noble post, surpassing Michael Voris in its eloquence, and a much-needed reminder of the call some of us have heard and others have yet to respond to.


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