Monday 12 September 2011

The Bones's Catholic Store

Catholic bracelets: Buy two for just £5...
I've been updating my Bones's Catholic Store and it looks a lot more organised now, divided, as it is, up into pages and sections for the relevant Catholic devotional items.

I can obtain these delightful Catholic bracelets now at a wholesale price and am selling them for £3.50 each, two for £5.00, so if you wish to purchase one or two just give me an email.

Today I will be uploading some absolutely delightful Catholic posters and prayer cards which were sent to me, so keep your eye out for some new products for sale. Also, St Francis of Assisi, anyone?

He is 26 cm high and is yours for just £8.99.

1 comment:

  1. If you ever get one of St Anthony as displayed at the top of the shop site, I'll buy.
    By the way, I like the redesign; no more stopping and starting as you attempt to scroll through.
    I usually give up on blogs which take an age to read for that very reason. (I'm too polite to name them!) Too much furniture on the page really slows things up.


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