Sunday 6 March 2011

Historian David Starkey Warns of Liberal 'Tyranny'

I'm not sure whether I'm any actually any good at 'reading' faces, but perhaps one or two of the audience and the other guest speakers at Question Time were a little surprised by David Starkey's warning over the new liberal 'Inquisition' that seems to be taking modern Britain by the throat.

This trend is something we've witnessed most recently when evangelical Christians lose court cases over crucifix wearing, adopting/fostering or asking people not to do unseemly things in their bed and breakfasts. It just goes to show what a decent and reasonable person His Holiness is when even atheists, who happen to be homosexuals, not to mention, eminent historians, say something that begins to sound a bit like one of Pope Benedict XVI's addresses on the 'dictatorship of moral relativism'. I must say I did enjoy David Starkey's series on Henry VIII called 'The Mind of a Tyrant'

Thank God that some atheists are still 'free thinkers' using their God-given faculty of reason. David sounds more reasonable than even some Catholics, whose comments I don't publish on my blog, part of a root and branch reform of the website, on my part, to stamp out liberalism.

Anyway, as we prepare ourselves for Lent...Oh, hang on! What's this?! Everybody! Brideshead Revisited is on!


  1. That version of Brideshead really is a penance for lent. Totally ghastly.

  2. That version of Brideshead really is a penance for lent. Totally ghastly.

  3. Would that Catholic work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith MP were so outspoken as David Starkey!

    Did you hear him trying to justify the decision to prevent a 5-8 year old have occasional respite care from experienced foster-parents who happen to take their Pentacostalist Christianity seriously? 'They should have done some sort of deal with the social worker! It should have never gone to court!'
    That's the calibre of Catholic politicians we have in this country!

  4. Bear in mind that Starkey may well be gay and an atheist, but he's also a Tory (is or was chairman of the organisation Tories for Homosexual Equality) and so he is not beholden to the current 'liberal' elite.

  5. Starkey has always appeared as being well balanced - doesn't he hail from Kendal!

  6. Being a historian David Starkey knows what goes around comes around and that if this kind of "liberalism" goes too far it will come back and smack a few faces.
    Do try to get a DVD of the original Brideshead. It examines the conflicts between loyalty to the Catholic faith and the failings of flawed human beings. It is also beautifully acted and because it played over many weeks had the time to go thoroughly into the issues raised in the book.
    I haven't seen the remake and, having read the criticisms, won't bother as it appears to have had the same cardboard cut-out treatment as South Riding.

  7. I'm not sure Catholics NEED to watch Brideshead, but then, if Bishops aren't teaching...


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