Sunday 27 February 2011

Please Sign this if you Wish to Defend Christ, His Church and Her Poor...

Archbishop of Westminster, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols
Your Grace,

We urgently write to encourage you to take stand up in defense of the homeless of Westminster.

By now, Your Grace must have heard via the national and local press, or perhaps through 'The Passage', that Westminster City Council plan to ban Soup Runs to the homeless of the City and that Westminster Cathedral is at the heart of this proposal, a malicious move by the Council that undermines the freedom of religion of Catholics and other Christians in feeding the poor, but is also an attack upon the Poor in whom Christ Himself is present in a mysterious and special way.

This proposal by Westminster City Council is therefore nothing other than a violent assault upon Christ, His Body - the Church - and His Poor. We humbly implore, Your Grace, that you do all that you can, publicly and privately, to defend the Poor who are fed by the Catholic Church and doubtless other Christians in the piazza and to do all that you can to take a public stand against this evil proposal and to encourage others to do the same.

In good faith, we are certain that if you have heard this news, then Your Grace will already be making preparations to defend the Church and the Poor who are fed by Her against the proposals of Westminster City Council. We must join together and protest against this move. Lazarus is on your doorstep, Your Grace and we in the Church Militant are called to feed him, to clothe him and to shelter him. We will be judged by Christ on our response to the sufferings of His Poor and the injustice that they experience everyday. The Church cannot possibly acquiesce in this proposal from Westminster City Council. It must be fought by the Church because the homeless very often have few voices willing to stand up for them and are often without a voice of their own with which to defend themselves. This proposal must be fought and we know that with prayer and with campaigning on behalf of the homeless men and women who face stigma, prejudice and persecution on a daily basis, it must be defeated.

We remain your humble and obedient servants.


  1. What became of the Big Society?

  2. Seán Wright,
    University of Oxford
    Juventutem London

  3. Agree but "defenCe".

  4. I'd sign if there were a link for doing so.

    What Westminster Council is up to is a disgrace, an outrage. I suspect we will see more of such attempts to get rid of the destitute and desperate as the Olympics approach.

  5. What became of the 'common good'?
    Especially when Catholics are mandated to perform the 'uncommon good'.

    Lord who is my neighbour?

  6. Happy to sign - please put down a link, and I'll forward.

    Patrick Cusworth

  7. Please add my name

    Pauline Gately


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