Saturday 28 November 2009

Wave Goodbye to Climate Change and Embrace the Gospel

Fr Phillip Neri Powell, has mused on his blog, that 'one element of the Globo-Warmist fraud that hasn't been covered is the impact these revelations will have on certain eco-dogmas that have seeped into the Church. Many religious orders have wholeheartedly embraced "Saving Earth" as the 21st-century equivalent to "Saving Pagan Babies."'

The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton
is consistently bombarding parishes with campaigns like the one above, in which it is clear that the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ has been subsumed into a secular obsession so that it no longer reads as Save the Planets Souls campaign and into a Save the Planet campaign which, if nothing else, does absolutely nothing concrete for the poor, the imprisoned, the hungry, the thirsty the rejected and outcast of society on whom Our Lord told us to base our works of mercy. By our love, He said, men would know that we are His disciples.

Furthermore, while the Vatican has acted to make itself more 'green', the Holy Father has concentrated his statements on human ecology, the culture of life, the destructive effects of human self-interest, greed, lust and sin and the need to stand firmly against the culture of death. This is the Gospel. What the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton sends to parish churches is quite simply, not!


  1. The climate will change. Whatever anyone does or does not do. But it is not a good idea squander natural resources. Catholic Social Teaching has long had something to say on the matter.

    It is not a good idea either to claim that CO2 levels in the atmosphere have not increased over the past 250 years due to human activity and that this could not have an effect on the climate. There is enough good science to demonstrate the opposite and it does not help one's credibility to suggest otherwise.

    Which is not to say that there may be other effects operating. Those who deny the CO2 connection tend to be connected with the oil industry which might just have a vested interest in encouraging people to use more of what they produce.

  2. That used to be true, but now BP are cashing in on the carbon emissions capping culture. The companies you are talking about have realised, and quite a while ago too, that there is big money in the climate change business.

    Who are members of the ECX?

    More than 65 leading businesses, including global companies such as ABN AMRO (a Rothschild partner, has even had a Rothschild on the board. Barclays (a Rothschild branch), BP (child of af Rockefeller´s standard Oil ), Calyon, a Rothschild branch, E.ON UK (financially in the grip of Rothschild , Fortis - a Rothschild partner, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley - often Rothschild partners, e.g in the Rio Tinto affair), Shell (Rothschild affiliated), have signed up for membership to trade ECX products.

    In addition, several hundred clients can access the market daily via banks and brokers.Since carbon trading took off in Europe, trading volumes and underlying asset value have grown beyond expectations.

    Global carbon markets were worth €22.5 billion in 2006. The market saw transactions for 1.6 billion tonnes of CO2e where the EU ETS accounted for 62 per cent of the volume and over 80 per cent of the value (Source: Point Carbon). By any measure, carbon trading has grown impressively to establish itself as a new commodity to count on.


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