Sunday 24 May 2009

Occultist Benjamin Creme on the Antichrist's Appearance

And here...the method by which the Son of Perdition will deceive the nations. Let's see how long this post stays up. Incredible syncronicity between Creme's 'day of declaration' speech and the investigatory work of the 'man-who-knew-too-much', international free press agency reporter, Serge Monast, who died in mysterious circumstances.

But Benjamin Creme is a crackpot ignored by the World isn't he? Isn't he? Well, his diabolical organisation, 'Share International' somehow managed to air this commercial on Fox, MSNBC and the History Channel. Where does an ignored occultist fruitcake like him get that kind of money?

Interestingly, Obama and this new 'world teacher' have something in common. They both apparently put in an appearance in Kenya in 1988. Conspiracy theories abound! The question people are asking is this...Are Obama and the Antichrist brothers, cousins, good friends strangers or...wait for it. The same person? Or is Obama a Trojan Horse for the Antichrist?

According to Wikipedia, 'In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks and then for five weeks in Kenya, where he met many of his paternal relatives for the first time.[32] He returned in August 2006 in a visit to his father's birthplace, a village near Kisumu in rural western Kenya.'[33]

A striking resemblence! Holy Mother! What a breaking news story! It's official! Obama could actually be the actual Antichrist! Or not. But that would sure as heck explain why Biden and Pelosi and an enormous amount of 'Catholics' are backing Obama as if mesmerised by a hypnotist with a penchant for mass killings, instead of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!

Add to that the fact that Obama's birth certificate appears to have been a forgery mixed with the birth certificate of his sister, Maya, and we have an explosive cocktail of conjecture and horrendous apocalyptic scaremongering going on. But seriously, Houston, in general, I think we have a problem.


  1. This Maitreya guy has been around for a long time. I've seen how his name in Hebrew is supposed to add up to 666 but I have always wondered whether the antichrist would be so obvious as this.

    In any case it is quite clear that Obama and Blair are part of the same plan to work towards a new world order where there will be one world government, one tax system, one identification system, one currency and most importantly one religion and morality.

    The adulation that Obama has received in some circles is bordering on idolatry.

  2. As regards Obama, he is going to great lengths in protecting ANYONE from seeing his alleged "long form" birth certificate. What he's released is a "Certificate of Live birth." Which gives NO details as to who the attending physician was, what hospital, etc. It merely states that a person was born. His African grandmother said (before she knew he'd be a candidate for office) that "she was there when he was born in Kenya." Which would be a problem for him because given the laws of the US at the time he would not have been considered a natural born citizen of the US. Merely being born outside the country wouldn't have been a problem BUT for the fact that his mother had not resided in the US the requisite five years past HER 14th birthday in order to pass on natural born status to "the One." She was 18 when she gave birth to him, and his father was not a citizen. Also compounding this is that Zero was known to attended school in Indonesia at a time where NO person who'd not had citizenship were allowed in. HE's also covering up his college records too. He's spent $900,000 hiring lawyers, etc. to keep the state of Hawaii from releasing his alleged long form birth certificate. A "certificate of live birth" wouldn't be good enough to get him a driver's license.

  3. I have heard Benjamin Creme speak in London about Maitreya over many years. Creme's lectures are free, and no one is asked for money at any time so he seems to have no vested interest. What he speaks about is justice, sharing, compassion and love. I cannot think why this should be so scary to you! Try to listen with an open mind, rather than one coloured by years of dogma. Don't you agree that we certainly need a teacher back again? And remember, Jesus was recognised by fewer than 30-40 people when alive. love and light, xx

  4. Thanks, we have teachers. They're called Priests.

  5. The ONLY thing that Priests are teaching is young Boys how to commit suicide! There is SO SO Much Corruption in the Catholic Church it's really not funny. I read just yesterday that a Cardinal is in the spotlight for corruption! I mean, can't these Men be truly God like! Why do we NEVER EVER hear of any of the other Christian bodies leaders in trouble?? Why is it ALWAYS Catholics? Maitreya could be the TRUE Messiah! Stranger things have happened, haven't they ? :)

  6. Maitreya the true Messiah? For those lost souls (like my countryman Benjamin Creme)who are caught up in the cult of Theosophy, then Maitreya IS the Messiah. How do we prove them wrong? We CAN'T. Only the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT, whom Jesus sent to the early church after his ascension into heaven, can prove them wrong. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is a real and distinct person, not an 'it', and it is He who leads us into all truth.
    We have the Bible, which is the Word of God. Listen to sound Bible preachers online such as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John MacArthur and John Piper. Read the blog HERESCOPE which brilliantly exposes the extent to which the occult has entered the mainstream of our common culture. 'In the last days they shall not endure sound doctrine,' the Bible warns us.
    Generations of people have been starved of the Word of God. As a consequence they believe they can find God through private, subjective, quasi-mystical experience - channelling, spiritualism, New Age, astrology, the I-Ching etc. This is magic and it is everything the prophets of the Old Testament, who received the truth from God, spoke against in the strongest terms.
    If you read online about Benjamin Creme's private experiences (under the Share International organisation) you will see how he has been a slave to magical practises since his early days. Yes, he speaks of a better world which, he says, only Maitreya will bring. This is part of the devil's deception.
    Please, please read 'The God Who Is There' by Francis Schaeffer. Schaeffer was a humble disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. He foresaw the final apostasy of the West. My own country of Scotland is now full of every filthy demon.
    Bible Missionaries are coming to Scotland from Africa because our spiritual condition is so dark. 'We weep for Scotland,' a young Nigerian woman told me.
    The real Jesus of the Bible (not Benjamin Creme's 'Master Jesus') told the Apostles that the road to destruction is broad and many go that way.
    The road that leads to life is narrow and few there are that find it.
    Now please go and read the Gospel of John. Pray to Jesus and ask Him to come into your life.
    J. Haggerty

  7. May I just respond to amn20 who has heard Benjamin Creme speak in London about Maitreya? Yes, I agree, Benjamin Creme is sincere in his concern for economic justice and world peace.
    But so are we Christians, be we Catholic or Protestant.
    Benjamin speaks clearly and succinctly without jargon. He has all the attributes of natural charm, which is apparent in his address to the UN on YouTube. I feel that I understand Benjamin Creme because we were both born in Glasgow, Scotland, and we both have an interest in the visual arts.
    But it is essential to understand that his roots are in Theosophy and that Theosophy is anti-Christ and anti-Bible.
    The centre for Theosophy in my native city attracts the interest of many people. They go to hear talks on crop circles and UFOs as well as on Maitreya. Benjamin has written a book about UFOs and is convinced that they come from a higher spiritual realm than our own.
    He says they are our Space Brothers and are part of God's plan to save our planet from self-destruction. I believe UFOs are demonic. So do all the Christians that I know.

    Benjamin Creme's narrative goes down well with people of all ages and backgrounds. Try to interest them in the Lord Jesus Christ and their eyes glaze over. I can't even persuade members of my own family to spend just one hour worshipping their Lord and Saviour on a Sunday morning or evening.
    As an American street preacher told me, 'The Gospel melts some hearts like honey and makes others as hard as iron.'
    Benjamin has been going into states of altered consciousness for so long that it has become a way of life for him. He is so deep into magic that it has become his whole identity. There but for the grace of God go I.
    My advice to amn20 is to read the Bible daily. Say this prayer: 'Jesus Christ, you died for me, please come into my heart through the power of your Holy Spirit.'

    Read the Puritans (James Owen, Richard Sibbes, James Flavel, Richard Baxter) who knew that the only world teacher is Christ, the Christ of the Gospels.
    Read the Journal of John Wesley who went out preaching on the streets of the United Kingdom at a time when drunkeness and debauchery and devil-worship was rife.
    Read the Banner of Truth Magazine which is available online.
    Read a wonderful book by Iain Murray, Evangelical Holiness.
    Listen to the online sermons of Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
    I was converted by the Holy Spirit who used Dr Lloyd-Jones to make me see that without Jesus Christ I was spiritually dead, dead in my sins, dead in my own self-worship.
    When the Apostle Paul preached in Athens he said, 'Men of Athens I see that you are very religious.'
    But Paul's preaching which was blessed by the Holy Spirit led many Athenians out of their spiritual darkness (and false religion) and into the marvellous light of Jesus Christ, crucified for our sins.
    I pray for Benjamin Creme because very soon he will be standing before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ. As soon I will be.
    Jack Haggerty, Glasgow, Scotland.

  8. Erratum. In my comment I referred to James Owen when I ought to have written JOHN OWEN. He is known as the prince of the Puritans.
    John Owen's most well-known book is The Mortification of Sin, a short work written to help Christians who are struggling with temptation, the world and the Devil.
    It is published by Christian Focus with an introduction by Jim Packer, a systematic theologian well known in the evangelical world.
    Here is one of John Owen's saying ...

    'Let our hearts admit, I am poor and weak. Satan is too subtle, too cunning, too powerful; he watches constantly for advantages over my soul ... On Christ alone will I rely for my keeping. I will continually look to Him.'

    May you all experience the peace of God which passes all understanding, in Christ the Lord. Jack Haggerty

  9. Creme is dead, the Maitreya has vanished, you can go on with your life!


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