Thursday 18 September 2008

Blair to Lecture Students at Yale on Faith and Education

Crikey! The former Prime Minister who during his tenancy of Number 10 was a leading pro-abortionist, war criminal and champion of civil partnerships for gays, became Catholic last year. Suddenly he is cleaning up on the lecturing circuit. Wonder how much he is getting for this latest speech to Yale students in the US. He is expected to get a mixed reaction. I know we are bound to forgive our brothers and sisters when they make mistakes. What annoys me about him is that, publicly, he doesn't seem to have changed his mind about anything he did while he was in office. Secondly, he's making a bomb (excuse the pun) out of what, aside from the massive achievement of Northern Ireland, was a disasterous period in UK political history, for the Pro-Life movement, global peace and stability and important rights and liberties which he undermined. Thirdly, he's lecturing young people on faith, while when he was PM, he seemed to indicate that the war in Iraq was a decision which was based on his faith. Not sure how well that would go down with the Chaldean Christians in Iraq who have faced persecution and an assault on their freedom to worship ever since the calamitous invasion.

Of course he is expected to give all the money to the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. I'm assuming that when Cardinal Cormac received him into the Church, that the aforementioned issues were discussed at length. For his sake I hope they were. By rights the man should be facing temporal justice for war crimes in the Hague. Given that he is not and is doing very nicely thank you very much, perhaps he could give St Mary Magdalen's Building Fund a little cash. Charity covers a multitude of sins. Perhaps we should give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his Faith Foundation is a sign of his public penitence.

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