Wednesday 6 January 2016

To the Editor(s) of Rome Reports

The following is an article from Rome Reports...

Pope Francis surprising spot on dialogue among religions

From now on, Pope Francis himself, will expand on His teachings and make His monthly intentions for Christians to pray in a never before seen broadcasted spot like this.

In the intentions of each month, The Pope outlines the challenges and problems that concern the world. The month of January is focused on the importance of sincere dialogue between religions.

The project is an initiative of the World Network of Prayer of the Pope and was conducted by The Machi Communications agency in collaboration with ROME REPORTS and the Vatican Television Center. From now on, every month, a video like this where the Pope will present His concerns and objectives will be published.

Some of the Popes close friends have participated in the video, such as Muslim Omar Abboud and Rabbi Daniel Goldman.

This is an unprecedented initiative, yet it showcases Pope Francis' approach in bringing His concerns to the world in a more direct and personal way.

Editor and sub-editor jobs require a degree of pedantry - it is part of the job, I would imagine. With this being the 'case', I think that it isn't beyond the wit of Rome Reports journalists to get the correct case when dealing with the Pope. He is the Vicar of Christ on Earth but he is not God. We refer to the Persons of the Triune God, to the Father, to Jesus Christ, to the Holy Ghost, as Him.

No. I'm not sure I really do, but that won't affect my Eternal Salvation.

Therefore, from henceforth, please give Pope Francis a lower case when describing his actions, instead of the upper case which belongs to God, as highlighted in orange, bold.

Thank you.

Happy Epiphany all!


  1. Good grief! When will all this rubbish end?

  2. 2017 looms closer as the prophecies of Fatima are being played out as we speak.Let us pray for the bishop of rome as he has said that a person can achieve salvation without believing in Our Blessed Lord!!God Help us all.

  3. Oh, dear Bones this guy is an awful it what we deserve? Domine ad adjuvandum me festina.

  4. Happily 'my device' wouldn't restart...but from the gist I would guess Mr Bergoglio is doing a verbal 'Assisi'? Aka-antichrist-on-the-spot-magustrium.

  5. The rubbish began with John 23 and Vat 2. Yesterday I played the organ for the Epiphany Mass with a priest who was an aid to Archbishop Thuc, one of the few brave prelates who rejected Vat 2. Thuc was teaching in a sedevacantist seminary in NY in the early 80's, but was basically kidnapped by Novus Ordo church officials. If you'd like to hear the story click below and go to the sermon by Fr. Francis Miller, a wonderful priest.

    Seattle Kim

  6. Well, with VII ayticirrect, Seattle Kim, Catholics are not of the world as usual. What should we sing in our tribulations?

  7. Here are pope peter pan's prayer intentions for January.

    Seattle kim

  8. V2 autocorrect? ROFL! And you're a Tom Petty fan? Well while the v2 church is free falling---no we won't back down.

    Seattle kim

    Well, I won't back down
    No I won't back down
    You can stand me up at the gates of hell
    But I won't back down

  9. Si Paco está loco, loco está Paco. Y si loco está Paco, Paco está loco. Es loco Paco. Es Paco loco. ¿Dónde lo coloco?

  10. Maybe it was sarcasm...

  11. Hey a mere 2,000 years of teaching 'down the pan' in one short video. Surely even those who have excused him everything to date will gag at this point.

  12. Paco no està loco, Paco està lobo, muy differente.

  13. pope peter pan.......i love it!!!

  14. While I agree with you that the Papal him/his referring only to a mortal person should be referred to in the lower case, I do not believe this has ever been the correct Vatican protocol - I'm sure partly because the Pope is Supreme Pontiff and Head of the Vatican State (ie equivalent to a monarchical leader / royalty). Hence the Papal 'We' in official documents. I believe this has always been the case and was also used during Benedict's reign. However, if anyone is likely to update / modernise protocol in this respect it will be Francis. Have you tried writing to him?

  15. No more excuses. The brethren of belial have been given too much rope by the hope of the ignorant as it is. Spade a spade - the revelation of the new religion of VII, which you will find at your local Novus Ordo - is simply reiterated in this satanic video - apparently a monthly installment by his belialcleness throughout the year of mercinary culling of souls.

  16. Seattle Kim. Could you imagine passing muster amongst the secular bilge of a Novus Ordo 'vigil and/or Sunday service'! I sat through too many times.

    Catholic reality check.

  17. Much has changed in the Novus Ordo thin line, Seattle Kim. Much.


  18. Hey Mr. Viterbo---better might be the Dies Irae.

    Seattle kim


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