Monday 24 February 2014

Regime Change Fears Mount in Rome

VATICAN CITY -- High level Vatican diplomats have expressed fears that through well-funded subversive intelligence operations, Washington is planning regime change at the Holy See.

With evidence growing that the 'Springs' that arose in the Arab world that ended with regime change in Libya, Egypt, Syria had CIA sponsorship from the beginning, concern is mounting in Rome that, at any time, CIA-sponsored insurgents in the walls of the Vatican could gain popular momentum in a planned Washington coup upon the Papacy and the Church.

It is rumoured that the NSA are tapping phones and listening to conversations taking place in Rome while well-funded black operations such as Catholics for Choice, a group established to undermine Church teachings, as well as US/UK intelligence operations CTA and ACTA, continue to foment distrust of the Papacy and rebellion against the Magisterium.

CIA plan for the Synod on the Family: 'Problem-reaction-solution' paradigm
His Holiness Pope Francis, who has apparently been made aware of the danger, is deemed to be a grave threat to the new world order of global affairs because of his outspoken and passionate defense of the natural family, firm stand on abortion, attacks on IVF, embryology and artificial contraception, promotion of chastity, condemnation of socially-destructive sex education, denunciation of euthanasia and assisted suicide, rigorous defence of marriage and powerful opposition to the disintegration of Christian civilisation. With approval ratings still high and with a notably global following, His Holiness is a said to be a impediment to the Washington-sponsored attempts to make Vatican City as docile to the whims of elite power brokers as Washington itself is. Could the wave of CIA sponsored regime changes which this year took in the Ukraine happen in Rome?

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Speaking off the record, one former CIA officer, Robbie Dickens said, "Quite how long Washington will stand for Pope Francis's robust defence of Catholicism is unknown. Certainly, his popular pro-life message is not welcomed by Government insiders and US defence analysts.

Francis's clarity of teaching and powerful defence of marriage and the family remains a thorn in the side of the Washington establishment, but it is hoped that through agents placed within the walls of the Vatican, the so called 'pink revolution' planned by the CIA operatives at the Synod on the Family could yet bring about the toppling of the popular but conservative Franciscan regime.

Continued Dickens, "It is rumoured that this should be with the intention of placing upon the Throne of St Peter a figurehead "fluffy", magazine cover-agent pope, who is as popular as the Dalai Llama - and who offers similarly harmless platitudes about love, compassion, peace and fraternity - but who offers no resistance and proclaims few eternal truths required to stem the collapse of the natural order, the loss of authentic worship and the breakdown of the family necessary for global citizens to submit themselves entirely to, and eventually succumb to the worship of, the global super-State envisaged by Washington.


  1. Many a true word spoken in jest!

  2. Bones, you missed out the Bishop of Rome's blistering condemnation of the Belgian parliament's recently voting through child euthanasia.

  3. These types of posts are neither tongue-in-cheek, humorous or ironic, they are just sarcastic. Honestly, what is their purpose? They portray someone continually and systematically trying (poorly) to ridicule and undermine almost every aspect to the current Pope. How is this not schism or, at least, a schismatic tendency? Shame on you.

  4. sr mary .I don't believe that you hold the truths of the catholic church at all.i don't think that you believe anything at all!philip johnson

  5. I certainly do believe and uphold catholic teaching, and nothing I have said suggests otherwise. I have merely criticised the tone and content of the articles on this misguided young man's so-called catholic blog. What gives you the right to declare that I 'believe in nothing at all'? You types condemn anyone that disagrees with your personal magisterium as heretics. It's disgraceful behaviour and not catholic.

  6. Sister Mary: Philip Johnson's remarks are quite uncalled for and are just a personal attack based on no grounds whatsoever.

    However I think many people will find the Bones's blog humourous and fairly gentle ribbing. Perhaps not to your taste but hardly schismatic. I think schism is proposing a split from the Church over a difference of doctrine. This is far far from that.

  7. this is terrible, bones! I have it from a very unreliable Vatican source that Jorge Bergoglio was a victim of alien abduction when he was but a tender ten year old - those awful CIA aliens programmed him to be a sleeper for the UN, a sleeper who was to wake-up once they had orchestrated his rise to the See. unfortunately he 'woke up' long before this but it hasn't seemed to hinder their plan.

    those lamb-bombs, I have heard are set go off in the presence of red shoes, so I think Francis will be fine.

  8. Nicholas - thank you for your comments but schism always starts somewhere which is why I said or a 'tendency' towards schism. Schism starts with thinking apart from the church and ends with a formal split. The tone and content of the posts on this blog is ridiculing the reigning pope and is definitely not in thinking with the church. Unless there is a change of heart and behaviour, this misguided and sarcastic young man will end up in a place of schism.

  9. But Sr Mary (are you really a religious?), Bones IS 'thinking with the mind of the Church'. Since when did the 'person of the pope' become tradition, doctrine, dogma, history (or ahistory), law, the reinvention of biblical exegesis and on and on? I think Catholics who worship a single passing pope need to stop pretending they worship God through His Historical and Supernatural Bride.

  10. Why the hell did I convert? I may as well have stayed in the Southern Baptist mega-church with movie theater seats with cup holders, a coffee bar and a rock band.

  11. Kim, you converted because God called you and you bravely responded, and we have to keep responding to His call to conversion every day we have to live - this happens in His true Church - the Catholic Church. never mind popes and prelates, they are a necessary evil (not always, evil that is) - if you have the choice shop around for Tradionalist priest and Church that has at least one TLM per week ; if you find that you'll be streets ahead of most Catholic nomads.

  12. Of course, all enemies of the Church, including the Washington administration, are employing all effective means at their disposal to subvert or destroy the Church.


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