Sunday 27 October 2013

Evangelising Through Weather

"Dear David Cameron, this is payback for 'same-sex marriage'..."
The Daily Mirror has a little piece on the Apostle and Martyr, St Jude Thaddeus, who has had the storm set to hit the UK in the early hours of tomorrow morning.

It is heartening that the meteorological experts still have enough respect for Christianity to name potential natural disasters after Saints. Good that Heaven can still evangelise through weather in these secular times.

We are due to be struck by gusts of up to 90 mph, so say a prayer for me and all us here in the UK and especially for St Mary Magdalen Church's roof in particular. Pray too for any homeless who could be in the storm tonight that they may find shelter and protection.

St Jude, patron saint of lost causes, protect us this night and tomorrow from storm, flood, fire, wind and all calamities produced through nature. Protect our Churches, friends, families, loved ones, relatives, benefactors and enemies.


  1. Pray to the Virtues. They're in charge of the weather.
    We'll be praying for you too. We're up North so less likely to be badly affected.

  2. Interesting that a possible catastrophe brings up faith is some people.

    Maybe if we scratch a secular Brit, we shall find a Christian.


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