Thursday 4 July 2013

Tu Es Petrus: An Open Musical Letter to His Holiness Pope Francis

Tu Es Petrus 

You entered the balcony without the mozzetta 
You refused the blood red shoes of your predecessors 
O you took the name Franciscus and you’re rebuilding the Church 
You’re the lowly, you’re the chosen Successor of St Peter 

You asked the crowd to invoke God’s blessing on your reign 
You settled the hotel bill after the brief conclave 
 You travelled with Bishops and Cardinals 
On your first day to work 
You are not like other Popes we’ve seen 
You don’t want a chauffeur 

Humility-means I-Die-I-Die-I-means-I-Die-to-my-self 
Humility-means I-Die-I-Die-means-I-live-for-Jesus 

No gold instead a second-hand, silver pectoral Cross 
Now we see you’re not worldly like all the other Popes 
As for the trappings of your Office, 
You decided to move home to live with Cardinals and Bishops so that you don’t live alone 

You love the people of God and most of all in Rome 
But why won't you just follow the Roman Missal? 
To all rites and rules you turn up your 'emancipated' nose 
On Mandy Thursday why not wash a female young offender’s toes? 

Humility-means I-Die-I-Die-I-means-I-Die-to-my-self 
Humility-means I-Die-I-Die-mean -I-live-for-Jesus 

Polyester Vestments, yes, the humblest of them all 
Now 'the Carnival is over’ we’ve a ‘new’ wardrobe 
Bearing the beauty of our tradition since 1970 
The ‘hermeneutic of a-rupture’ in all of its...simplicity 

A cameraman appears at the rear of the Pope-mobile 
So the World can see the Pope is growing humbler still 
If you grow any more humble then Your Holiness will burst 
You’re not a renaissance prince
Are you Humilitas I? 

Humility means that when you die and leave God's Church on Earth 
You leave the Papacy as you found it for your humble Successor 

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
Upon this Rock is built the Church! 
The gates of Hell shall ne’er prevail even should they surround Her! 

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
To thee the Keys of Heaven given! 
What you bind and loose on Earth shall be bound or loosed in Heaven! 

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
To the city! To the World! 
Benedict was Petrus months ago and you said, ‘We are Brothers!’ 

Oh forgive me! Oh forgive me! 
If my song your ear offends 
But if you're Brothers then why is your so reign radically different? 

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
To thy will I must defer 
Accept this humble gesture from
A lowly messenger 

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
Of all Apostles thou art Prince 
What is sacred for this generation 
Please hold sacred hence! 

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
Defend the Magisterium 
From the enemies of God who seek the Church’s destruction!

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
Of all the Treasures of the Church 
The poor, neglected, and unloved, forgotten, 
Blessed Sacrament

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
To thy son and thy servant 
Impart the blessing of Almighty God from the hand of the Chief Shepherd 

Tu es Petrus! Tu es Petrus! 
Do not doubt, 
Your Holiness,
I remain your loyal, humble and obedient servant

"Never say behind someone's back what you could not say charitably to his face."
 ~ St Francis of Assisi

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