Monday 20 February 2012


The prison cell of Blessed Titus Brandsma
I am in the process of writing an essay entitled Dystopia for The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma that may turn into a book. Have a read, let me know of what you think of it so far and most of all, pray for me that I may be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

It concerns such issues as artificial contraception, 'gay marriage' and the huge threat to both the liberty of the Catholic Church and human freedom that is posed by the State's expanding role over human affairs. In the essay I suggest that true Christian sexual morality, as taught by the Catholic Church, is far more subversive to the present political, social and moral order of the United Kingdom, far more subversive to the State, than is any other human ideology or, indeed, any terrorist.

The Catholic Church's religious liberty is the only defense against the power of the State to dictate to every generation of children that they should live according to the teachings not of the Church, but of the State. The essay takes existing social trends and existing competences which the State is taking to itself and projects into the future a Britain which can only be described as a dystopia.

George Orwell
The upcoming battle over 'gay marriage' has not arisen because a large percentage of British people want to see it happen, or even because a large percentage of homosexuals want to be married to persons of the same-sex. It is primarily about the State emasculating and suffocating the Church so that only the teaching of the State can be heard, because forces of darkness working in the United Kingdom and the West want the human person to become the property of the State, from the cradle, indeed, to the grave.

The Church's mission is to save Souls and to bring Souls the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It just so happens that the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, were it to be accepted by the vast majority of the United Kingdom, would bring the plans of a totalitarian State to teach generations of children and then adults that they belong to the State, instead of Almighty God, to a humiliating, grinding and inglorious end.


  1. ''The Catholic Church's religious liberty is the only defense against the power of the State to dictate to every generation of children that they should live according to the teachings not of the Church, but of the State.''

    The ONLY defence? Sounds like you are advocating a catholic fascist state to me. What you have written appears logically confused.

  2. It is the only defense because it teaches people that they belong to God, not to the State or even merely to themselves.

    A good example is 'assisted dying', a nice euphemism for murder. Once the power to end human life passes from God to, the human person and then ultimately, to the State, then the State will act as God. If you read history, you'll learn that when the State acts as God, things tend to get rather messy, like in the Holocaust.

  3. The teachings of the Catholic Church are objectively true - that is why the Church teaches them. The morality espoused by the Church is based on human nature and amenable to reason. The Natural Law is imprinted on our minds and hearts. The Church endorses the Natural Law, ultimately given us by God. States ought to respect the Natural Law and not abrogate powers to itself that are in conflict with the dignity and rights of the person, marriage, family, community or nation. It is not because they are taught by the Church that these principles ought to be recognised and upheld by the State, but because they are objectively true. We have the gift of reason - lets use it. The gift of faith complements and completes the gift of reason.


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