Saturday 17 July 2010

Pro-Life Display Outside Wistons Clinic

Callings all people in Brighton.

I have received an email from the local SPUC group.

'I wanted to make you aware of a display we are planning to do next Tuesday outside Wistons "clinic". Would you be interested in joining us at some point in the day? We would like to stay as long as we can but need more people to help hold banners. We are aware of one child being led to the slaughter that day but suspect there are more.'

If you are a Brightonian who would like to be present at the display and vigil outside Wiston's Abortuary on Dyke Road in Brighton, please contact Andy at

Andy has asked that I draw your attention to the Abort 67 website, but be prepared for some 'graphic' images which you may find very disturbing and profoundly distressing.

More information to come as soon as I get it.

If you cannot make it to the display...pray!


  1. Anyone who turns up to humiliate a person about to have a perfectly legal medical procedure is a f**ing scumbag. You're no better than some daft anti-gay campaigner who throws bottles at people entering a gay club or something like that. You're the equivalent of a Taliban gunman who kills women trying to enter a school to be educated. How about the rest of us arrange a bus trip to come into your church and disrupt things while the priest is giving out the biscuits to you and the 10 old ladies who attend each week> I wouldn't, because though I think you are wrong and deluded, I wouldn't bother disrupting you. If you have so little to do with your time that you have to resort to pestering staff and patients at a clinic, why don't you get a hobby. Or a job

  2. Funny how people don't get so upset about animal rights activists, isn't it?

    It is our civil right to protest at child murder taking place 'in business hours'.

    I'd happily take the day off work to fight for the right of an unborn child to live.

  3. 'I wouldn't, because though I think you are wrong and deluded, I wouldn't bother disrupting you.'

    No, you wouldn't because you know that we are engaged in the 'Sacrifice of the Mass', we're not actively killing another human being.

    Secondly, you wouldn't disturb Mass because you're a coward. You can't even use your real name for commenting on a Catholic blog!

  4. JCWFJM intrigues me. S/he says,

    “If you have so little to do with your time that you have to resort to pestering staff and patients at a clinic, why don't you get a hobby. Or a job”

    I might well ask why s/he bothers to read a Catholic blog. “If you have so little to do with your time that you have to resort to making silly comments on Catholic blogs, why don't you get a hobby? Or a job? (Please, notice that I have corrected your punctuation.)

    Please also note that the pro-Life people are not entering the abortion facility. They are witnessing to the sanctity of life outside the abortion facility.

  5. JCWFJM also seems to confuse ‘legality’ with ‘morality’. S/he seems to be saying that when something is legal then people should not have any moral objection to it. Now get into your Tardis, Mr/Ms JCWFJM and go back in time to the seventeenth century. Ah, I hear you objecting to these Wilberforce types objecting to the “perfectly legal” business of transporting slaves from Africa to America in utterly horrendous conditions. Then go forward in time to twentieth century South Africa. Ah, I hear you objecting to these really obnoxious types who are campaigning against the “perfectly legal” compulsory removal of Blacks from their homes because the land has been designated as being for Whites only. And because Hitler operated under the emergency powers which were granted to him, “perfectly legally”, by the President, Hindenburg, then whatever he did was OK, then?

    It’s also interesting that for the purposes of his/her argument JCWFJM has to resort to comparing the totally peaceful activities of pro-Life campaigners with the violent activities of people who throw bottles and Taliban gunmen. Logic is obviously not a part of JCWFJM’s way of thinking.


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