Friday 21 May 2010

"When There's No Getting Over That Rainbow..."

The Rainbow Sash Movement are, according to their website and Fr Tim Finigan, who blogged about this a couple of days ago, encouraging 'LGBT Catholics' to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at Westminster Cathedral.

My first instinct over reading this news was one of great sadness, since there are clearly a minority of Catholics with the condition of homosexuality who feel they are not included in the Church, to the extent that the Rainbow Sash Movement, impelled by their inexplicable desire to 'queer the Church' are organising a protest against what they perceive as prejudice, but what amounts only to the Teaching of the Church. Having watched this video on their website my feelings have changed. Watch it, it is hilarious.

Of course, it is made less humourous by the fact that these Catholics are no friends of Holy Mother Church. There are, of course, many Catholics who struggle with Church teaching on chastity, the sanctity of marriage and struggle with their sexuality. I count myself as one of these souls. These men and women are not enemies of the Church, but souls who find refuge in God's abundant mercy and forgiveness and find both in Confession and reception of the Holy Eucharist.

The Rainbow Sash Movement, on the other hand, are intent on subverting not just the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, or even just Church teaching (which will never change on matters of sexual morality), but the Church Herself. The website recommends that 'LGBT Catholics' acquire a rainbow sash which they can then pin on their apparrel on approaching Holy Communion. If they are 'denied' Communion they are then advised to go back to their seats and stand up while everyone else kneels, prays to Our Lord and speaks to Him longingly in their hearts.

I very much doubt that the 'rainbow' contingent will be large in number. That said, anyone who approaches Our Blessed Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar while attempting to make a brazen and shameful political statement against His Church, their Mother has clearly misunderstood both Who they are approaching and why they should be approaching Him. What do these souls believe the Church is, if She is not the Ark of Truth and Dispenser of God's Mercy?

Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, Who is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament knows well the hearts and souls of His children. If you are a homosexual, you do not need to tell Him, for He well knows. If you are a lesbian, God the Eternal Son is aware of the fact. If you are attracted to members of the same sex and those of the opposite sex, Our Lord knows all about it for He is God and, being God, lover of souls, healer of the afflicted and broken hearted, comforter of the contrite and Hope of Christians, our Redeemer and Saviour is interested not in our political motivations, since the Rainbow Sash Movement is inherently and overtly political in its desire to subvert and change Church teaching, but our souls. If you are in a state of mortal sin, He knows this as well and all Catholics, gay, straight, mutilated by doctors or into sex with anyone should receive Absolution before approaching He who is Lord of Heaven and Earth made present on the Altar.

Let us be clear and unambiguously so. There are no 'LGBT Catholics', there are only Catholics. There are no 'Black Catholics', there are only Catholics. There are no 'Latin Mass Catholics', there are only Catholics and if, sorrowfully indeed for you, you cannot bear to present yourself to God the Eternal Son as His child, a baptised Catholic, as one grateful that the Lord Himself should come to you, a poor sinner, in humility and mindful of His great mercies, in awe of the One Who died for you and has come down from Heaven to you under the guise of Bread, then you should not receive Him at all.


  1. Clinical Psychologist22 May 2010 at 03:14

    Homosexuality is not a condition.
    Do you think heterosexuality is a condition also?

  2. Catholic Gay and Proud22 May 2010 at 03:19

    The Rainbow Sash Movement is not a protest, it is an act of visibility.
    Gay people are Catholics and are part of the Church whether you like it or not. It's about time they were seen and heard. You may wish we disappeared but I was baptised Catholic and I and many others like me are hear to stay - so get used to it.

  3. Vatacanologist22 May 2010 at 03:28

    I don't think Cardinal Schoborn of Vienna would agree with you mate. Like he said we should be considering the quality of the relationship and not trying to demonise many good people just because of their sexual orientation. And that's from a very conservative Cardinal who was considered palpable and was protege of Benedict himself.

  4. You are a traitor - a brainwashed self-hating gay. You will never be accepted as yourself by your Church however hard yoy try to bend over backwards to deny your true self.

  5. Since many priests are gay, shouldn't they refrain from saying Mass this weekend? But then they'd be very few Masses available anywhere across the world!

  6. Rainbow Sash wearer22 May 2010 at 03:35

    If the Church hierachy won't listen, what are gay catholics supposed to do? They have no other choice. It is a peaceful act of disobience and morally justified.

  7. Bless the Lord!22 May 2010 at 03:40

    There is no reason to refuse communion to these people since there is no reason to believe that they are sexually active. Being gay is not justifiable grounds for refusing communion to anyone. If that were the case, much of the highest hierachy (if not the very top itself) would have to stop communicating.

  8. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), in it's statement on homosexual persons acknowledges that there are instances when it may be preferable for a gay person to enter into a loving (even sexual) relationship...and the document was authored by Ratzinger himself. Go read it dude! Your perspective of authentic catholic teaching lacks nuance.

  9. I wonder if Pope Benedict will be wearing a rainbow sash? I mean, he's very camp and effeminate. I don't think there can be any doubt about his sexual orientation although granted he's celibate..

  10. Human Rights for Gays Now!22 May 2010 at 03:55

    Laurence, the only reason you won't be wearing a rainbow sash is because you're trying to hide what you really are. I wonder if you'll have the balls to wear rainbow pants or socks?

  11. Lesbian Mother Superior22 May 2010 at 03:57

    Sexuality is not a medical condition, it is a gift from God and should be treated with respect and dignity.

  12. All these traditional catholics think the sun shines out of Damian Thompson's arse yet the campest bitch in town. I called that (or rather him) an oxymoron!!!

  13. If all the gay clergy went on strike, there would be very very few left to run the church especially within the traditional orders! Funny how they all like the dressing up in lace and poofs of insense!

  14. Moral Theologian22 May 2010 at 04:15

    If only the great and good Cardinal Hume were still alive. He showed that there is a way forward for the church in developing it's teaching on this issue. Any love between two people (whether same sex or not) is a gift from God, period.

  15. Banish homophobia from the Church22 May 2010 at 04:19

    The gay soho masses have been approved by the DCF under Benedict's reign so proof from the top that gay peoples are not barred from attending mass or recieving holy communion.

  16. Oratorian darling!22 May 2010 at 04:23

    High mass at the Brompton Oratory is the place of choice by certain educated young socially aspiring effinate males for picking up a religious companion. The place is packed with wooly woofters!

  17. Mussolini was a Catholic22 May 2010 at 04:29

    Historically the Church has been able to tolerate homosexuality and homosexuals in society - just look at greek and roman culture. It's only recently that the church has tried (unsuccessfully) to impose it's moral teachings upon society as a whole. Toleration and mutual respect are the basis of christian belief not some fascist catholic state.

  18. hypocrite highlighter22 May 2010 at 04:33

    Laurence, rediscover your conscience. You are f@+king your own should be ashamed of yourself. Where's your self-respect, man? God made you as you are and you should love what he gave you.

  19. Laurence, what's your Gaydar profile? I want to send you a private message please.

  20. Protest the Pope22 May 2010 at 04:39

    The rainbow sashs are nothing, you wait til pope benny is in town!

  21. Protest the Pope22 May 2010 at 04:39

    The rainbow sashs are nothing, you wait til pope benny is in town!

  22. Homosexual Church Arts Lover22 May 2010 at 04:43

    If there were no gays allowed in the church then there would never have been any of the great arts and music. Much of the patrimony of the church is thanks to many homosexually inclned committed Catholics.

  23. Concerned Bisexual22 May 2010 at 04:49

    Laurence mate, you need a shag! You're so wound up and take yourself far too seriously. Mane you'd be a nicer person if you found a nice man to share your life with so you felt truly loved. God love you, try to remember that.

  24. Good Lord.

    I believe I may have touched a raw nerve. Believe me when I tell you, this is just the start.

    You cannot say, "I love Christ, but I do not love His Church," since Christ is made visible and manifest by His Church, both in Her Perfect Teaching and the Mercy dispensed by His Priests.

    Christ is united to His Church like a Bridegroom to a Bride. He sanctifies it, He purifies it, He washes the sins of the redeemed in His Most Precious Blood.

    It is because of Christ that His Church forgives the sins of the Faithful. Through the Priest, Christ does not condemn, but forgives and saves, yes all sins, yes all sinners, whether that man be straight or gay.

    Nobody is pure in God's sight and I myself am a poor sinner in need of God's mercy, but what you cannot or should not say is that there is nothing wrong with the act of homosexuality, or that active homosexual relationships are 'healthy'.

    On Earth, as it is in Heaven, you are known by your name, since God loves not your sexual orientation, but your immortal soul.

    We should not presume about the private lives of those in the rainbow sash movement, but I do my Christian duty in warning you all that if any man approaches Our Blessed Lord in a State of Mortal Sin then he is placing the life of his soul and his own salvation in jeopardy.

    If you have committed the sin of Sodom, go as quickly as you are able to Confession, so that you may receive Our Blessed Lord. Leave your Rainbow Sash at home in the bin.

  25. Gay priest. You are the only commenter I will answer. If, as you say, many priests are gay, of course they should receive Holy Communion, since they need Christ's strength to live chastely and fulfil their mission as celibates belonging to Christ alone.

  26. Catholic and Proud22 May 2010 at 15:00

    The church is united to christ but it is NOT a perfect society, don't fool yourself. There is a long history of the church getting it wrong and causing injustice to various groups. Just look at the recent sexual abuse scandals and the Legionnaires.

  27. The church effectively has adopted a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy and it is both untenable and unsustainable. You will be accepted only if you hide who you really are and never speak out against the homophobic undercurrent.

  28. C & P, 'don't ask, don't tell', that is not the issue under discussion here, it is in Catholics deliberately aligning themselves with the LGBT lobby.

    If a Priest is chaste then his sexual orientation becomes less of an issue. I'm sure there are more than a few clergy with the homosexual orientation, living out chastity and loving Christ in the Priesthood.

    If a Priest is aligning himself not with Christ but with the gay rights lobby, then something is seriously wrong in his vocation.

  29. Everyone should show up at Westminster Cathedral wearing rainbow sashes. Take the wind right out of their sails!

  30. I'm baffled by many of the comments here.

    Fornication is a SIN. If you are fornicating then you cannot receive communion. Gay, straight, it doesn't matter: have sex ouside of marriage and you are commiting the sin of fornication. It's as simple as that!

    Why do so many gay people feel that they must shove their sexuality down everyone else's throats? Fine, you're gay. Yay. Your gay. Whoopee! You're gay. Now get over it and stop waving it in everyone's faces. In other words, get over *yourselves*!

    We all have better things to focus on in this world such as... Poverty. Instead of flaunting your sexuality why not wear a sash that protests the *invisibility* of the Poor??

  31. LAURNCE IS A SELF-HATING FAGGOT23 May 2010 at 02:58


  32. coffee catholis - who says gay people are fornicators?
    it is you that assume they are in sexual relationships which might not be the case.
    even if they have been sexually active, that does not mean they haven't been to confession so there are unlikely to be grounds for refusing them communion.
    i dont see anyone else in the communion line being vetted.
    how do you decide who is refused communion in these circumstances except by makin unfounded assumptions and generalisations?

  33. coffee catholic is a daft bitch23 May 2010 at 03:06

    coffee catholic - i hope you choke on your coffee you stupid cow

  34. catholic truth23 May 2010 at 03:10

    you say it's ok for gay priests to recieve communion because they must be chaste (but the sexual abuse scandals prove that many are in fact not chaste) yet you advocate refusing comunion to anyone gay (whether or not they are chaste) - the height of hypocrisy!

  35. I don't commend refusing communion to gay people. I commend refusing communion to gay people who wear rainbow sashes because the symbol marks them out not as Christ's followers, but followers of the LGBT lobby.

  36. I have removed any comments making serious allegations about any individuals within the Church save myself, since those individuals have no recourse to answer if they do not read this blog. Because those allegations are on my blog, I am as liable to be sued for defamation or slander as those who make those unfounded allegations.

  37. Did anything happen at the Mass at Westminster today?



    Sorry to read the attacks on you on your own blog.

    BTW can you give an up-date on the people you showed in your short film in the B&B.

    I hope they have re-housed the lady with the children after you cited the 6 week rule to them.


  38. You would not be subject to libel for the comments naming certain individuals since they only report what has been published elsewhere. In all instances a reasonable period has passed and the individuals have not contested the allegations (indeed the related facts have been confirmed by church authorities). Hence the details may be assumed to be fair game in law.
    Therefore, your motivations for removing the said posts must be otherwise?

  39. God Loves Me!!!23 May 2010 at 20:32

    I am not a member of the gay LGBT 'lobby' whatever that is, I am a catholic who happens to be gay and I wore a small rainbow ribbon at mass in westminster cathedral today. I was not refused communion and neither was anyone else as far as I could see.

    I am not very political about anything, I'm sure a normal guy who happens to be catholic and gay. I suppose I could have been born straight and jewish but I wasn't. I want my church to recognise my existence and accept me for the sinner I am (or rather that we all are, in one way or another). I am no more evil or intrinsically disordered than any other member of the congregation and clergy.

  40. Abused Lesbian23 May 2010 at 20:43

    I am a young woman in her mid-20's who was sexually abused by my own father since I was only 12 years old. Try as I may, I cannot form an intimate relationship with men. Sexually, I cannot allow another to penetrate me, I cannot trust men or achieve any degreee of intimacy with them. I am very defensive of their approaches, cautious of their advances and generally untrusting and apprehensive in these scenarios. However, I found the ove of another young woman and I have at long last found love and some spiritual peace, I feel cared for and appreciated. I have put my girlfriend through hell and worse by my difficulties, but she has stood by me and helped me throughout. I am sure this love has been given to me by God and I dare you to say otherwise.

  41. Start a Campaign23 May 2010 at 20:45

    Please post your personal testimonies here - gay, lesbian and bisexual catholics tell your story and put shame to this confused Laurence person.

  42. Gay but not proud of being catholic23 May 2010 at 20:53

    I have always known I was gay since the first time I experienced sexual attraction. I don't think I could consumate a relationship with a girl is I tried. The thought repulses and revolts me. I don't hate it in others but for me it just wouldn't feel natural and normal. I was very scared of telling my irish catholic father and it took a long time for me to do it. I was amazed when I eventually told him, it wasn't a problem and he told me I was his son and he would always love me. He has made my partner feel very welcome and they get on than I do with him even. My parents still go to mass every sunday at our local catholic church and it sadens them and causes them great pain that I, in all conscience, do not feel that I can join them. Homophobia splits up families and is unjust discrimination.

  43. Concerned Catholic23 May 2010 at 20:58

    Laurence, what is your story? How have you arrived at this painful dysjuncture in your life? You sound very wounded, perhaps you could be healed if you share your hurt, disappointment and spiritual pain?

  44. What Cardinal Ratzinger should have said!23 May 2010 at 21:01

    Homophobia is intrinsically and morally disordered!

  45. Outdated views23 May 2010 at 21:06

    Homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973 because there is no credible scientific evidence to support it being considered as morally or mentally defective.
    Get with it dude, your totally behind the times. Talk about 'Back to the Future'!!!

  46. Closet Gay Catholic23 May 2010 at 21:10

    Laurence, did you recieve holy communion today? I should hope not since you are in a state of grave mortal sin. You should wash your mouth out with soap or rather pull your finger-nails out as an act of penance.

  47. I do not take kindly to you, Sir!23 May 2010 at 21:14

    Laurence you have broken the unwritten rules of traditionalist catholics - never mention in public what your true sexual identity is. Always remain silent and self-censor yourself. Pretend you are single because you are celibate and holy. Divert attention by attacking others. NEVER MENTION THE GREAT BIG WHITE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM.

  48. Chase Me! Chase Me!23 May 2010 at 21:18

    Laurence, why don't you find yourself an old catholic spinster to marry? You wouldn't have to consumate the marriage more than once and you could sleep in different bedrooms. You could even live seperate lives except for going to church together on sundays. Then nobody would suspect what you really are, a poof, and worse still a self-hating closeted poof!

  49. Laurence, have you tried watching heterosexual pornography, the ex-gay movement recommend it as part of their 'therapy' (read, reprogramming).
    Maybe you can overcome this terrible infliction?

    Or maybe, electric shock therapy would be more traditional for you... like when psychiatrists in the past tried to 'cure' homosexuals by electocuting them while showing them images of naked men. It didn't work then and it won't work now!

    Quite frankly dear, you're gay so get over it!

  50. Stop the Hate!23 May 2010 at 21:25

    Oh Laurence, for the first time in history you have suceeded in achieving over 50 comments. What a sucessful day you have had, not!

  51. What would Jesus say?23 May 2010 at 21:27

    Some people are gay so get over it and let them be!

  52. Gay catholic by example23 May 2010 at 21:30

    The catholic chaplin at my school used to reguarly suck me off, didn't do me any harm. I did quite well out of it actually, I always got chosen for paid jobs like decorating and gardening. He had a big dick so wasn't so keen on blowing him though but then it it not better to give than recieve?

  53. Proof is in the pudding!23 May 2010 at 21:32

    The catholic church is clearly sexually dysfunctional.

  54. The best popes were homosexual sensitive types23 May 2010 at 21:37

    Pius X, XII and Leo XIII were extremely effeminate and artistic types. Lots of lace, poofs of incense and choir boys (but not castrated by that time though).

  55. Oooooh Father, don't stop please!23 May 2010 at 21:40

    I wouldn't mind committing a moral relapse with Benedict;s secretary. Father Glaswein, he's gorgeous!
    I think my catholic mother would approve too, not so sure about my catholic dad coz he hates all the latin nonsense.

  56. "coffee catholis - who says gay people are fornicators?"

    When did I say that "all gay people are fornicators"?

    (Laurence, I think you have a repeat troll here. Most of these comments are incredibly similar in style...)

  57. Coffee Cafetaria Cathoic23 May 2010 at 22:35

    Not a single troll Coffee Catholic. We gays can use twitter!

  58. I think it's easy from the tone of most of these comments to see who are haters and who are not.


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