Friday 14 May 2010

Health Warnings

So does abortion.

Can we have some more Government Health warnings for abortion and meanwhile Catholics need regular reminding of the dangers of The Bitter Pill?

The British Medical Association appear to think that smoking is the most dangerous and insidious affliction of mankind.

Strange that while the BMA suggest banning smoking in streets, abortion remains an issue that does not cause them any concern.

 Doesn't it also cause 'ageing of the skin'?


  1. Doesn't it also cause 'ageing of the skin'?

    Yes... and also rotting of the brain & cognitive faculties!!

  2. Have you ever even read the Tablet you stupid man?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The courage, eloquence and intellectual insight of the anonymous commenter never fail to amaze me! (Previous version removed due to a typo...)

  5. Yes, anonymous, yes i have.


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