Tuesday 4 May 2010

"Get Balls Out!"

 According to the BBC...

'Labour's Ed Balls and Peter Hain have backed tactical voting in marginal seats to "keep the Tories out". Schools Secretary Ed Balls told the New Statesman that he always wanted Labour to win but recognised there was "an issue" in Lib Dem/Tory marginals.'

We should take a leaf out of the book of the garden toad and cry out in unison, "Get Balls out!" We Catholics need to tell Balls to back off and leave children, families and schools in peace.

Ed Balls, MP for Normanton, in his Children, Families and Education Bill, launched what amounted to a bitter and savage assault upon Catholic schools, Catholic children (and all children), Catholic teachers and Catholic families. Granted, the bill was amended because it got 'washed up' but his intention was to screw children, families and schools and royally so.

So, if ever there were a time for tactical voting in Normanton, this is it! Come on all you Normanton Catholics! Get Balls out! Then, when he's out, keep Balls out! Oh yes, Mr Balls! Be afraid! Be very afraid! We Catholics don't like it when big name politicians try and shaft our children, families and schools. On your bike, son! Go on! Sling your hook!

I'm starting to wonder if there is a corner in the newspaper market for a Catholic version of The Sun...


  1. I suggest every effort should also be made to remove Evan Harris from Oxford West and Abingdon.

    Forget party allegiances, just vote to get Harris out before he does any more damage.

  2. Balls is a thug - and a desperate thug, hoping to cling on to his seat on the gravy train.

    I suppose schadenfreude is a sin, but I'll gladly go to the confessional on Friday if Balls is kicked into touch on Thursday!

  3. Shame about Balls but, Deo gratias,the good people of Oxford West and Abingdon have finally seen the light!


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