Thursday 4 February 2010

What is So 'Great' About 'Great Britain'?

I was asked today whether I would consider standing as a candidate in the General Election in Brighton, after I told Martin Salter MP just what I thought of his ministerial record and the New Labour agenda of 'social reform'. If I did stand, with the help of friends as a candidate for the Pro-Life Alliance then among other issues, this is one I would campaign on, because, from what I've seen of the kind of crap that Fr Ray's been getting through his door from the main parties, certain groups in society don't get included in the Government's enthusiasm for 'equality'. The homeless do not get included, the unborn do not get included, asylum seekers do not get included, people addicted to drugs do not get included, the mentally ill do not get included and it goes without saying, having read the diatribe of the Vice Chairman of the Labour Party, that Catholics most assuredly do not get included. Both of these are inspiring videos. I recommend a watch! It is no surprise that the Government at a local and national level does so little and barely lifts a finger to help the homeless, since how can we expect the Government to protect the most vulnerable in society, when they treat the innocent human beings in the womb with such contempt!

1 comment:

  1. Laurence

    I'd be happy to support you, and any other pro-life politicians, in whatever way I can. I'm just a blogger like yourself, though not as good at it. If you ever get that publication that you dream of off the ground, I'd also be up for putting some time into that. Best of luck if you do go ahead as a parliamentary candidate!


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