Monday 14 September 2009

Obama the Catholic? What the...?!

Nice halo, shame about the attacks on the unborn...Let's imagine the damage to the Holy Faith done by the acceptance of the 'out of line' Tony Blair and multiply that by a thousand....

With thanks to the commentor, Monica Edith, for this link to an article suggesting that Barack Obama wants to become a Catholic. This cannot be for real. If it is, I would suggest we are either in for a fantastic reversal of Obama's previously long held partnership with Planned Parenthood, or we are in for a total disaster worthy of even more scholarly pouring over the final book of Sacred Scripture. There is, without a doubt, an insidious and diabolical conspiracy to destroy Holy Mother Church from within, and unless Obama's conversion were real and he renounced his current policies, there is no way he should be accepted. The Church would be co-opted in the US and the World because the Message of Salvation would be blunted and confused by Obama's policies. If these policies changed due to his conversion then fantastic, but somehow I don't think that is on his agenda. If his conversion is real then he would almost certainly be martyred. If his conversion is false then things in America will continue in the disasterous direction in which the country is headed. Barack. If you really want to be JFK then you have to be willing to take a bullet from people who just don't like 'change'.

Courtesy of Europa

There had been talk of his obvious sensitivity regards to Catholicism for some time now. Now his “catholic sensibility” appears to have become fervent adhesion to the Church of Rome, which, as soon as “politically” possible should be sealed by Baptism. Hence Barack Obama would be the second Catholic President in the History of the United States after John Fitzgerald Kennedy. His conversion, however, would not take place during his current mandate, but in the course of a second one, or more probably when he becomes a former President; just like Tony Blair, who converted to Catholicism only after leaving 10 Downing Street.

Rumours concerning what some have even called his “secret conversion”, as if it already taken place, increased after the long and moving funeral for his friend Teddy Kennedy held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica in Boston, last August 29th. The American President was clearly moved and captivated by the service. His funeral oration for the deceased senator emphasised – with participation that was not only emotive – work for the underprivileged, marked by the church’s social doctrine, that had characterised Kennedy’s political career. Obama’s words and the tone he spoke in implied genuine syntony with those same principles as well as a commitment to continue his legacy.

Although brief, his meeting with Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley was not a formality. Challenging the anathema of his traditionalist colleagues, the Cardinal attended the funeral of a politician considered, to say the least, “out of line”, due to his position in favour of freedom of choice regarding abortion and civil unions between people of the same gender. He attended also out of courtesy to the President, an aggravating circumstance according to conservative Catholics, but also an opportunity, as O’Malley himself explained, to tell Obama, above all, that “the bishops of the Catholic Church are anxious to support a plan for universal health care” and also to remind the President that they will "not support a plan that will include a provision for abortion or could open the way to abortions in the future.” And the President? “He was gracious in the short time we spoke, he listened intently to what I was saying.” In short, beyond all official positions, there is a President who listens as far as subjects dear to the Catholic hierarchies are concerned. The President is ready to do everything possible to contain the abortion phenomena, as he told Benedict XVI during an audience in the Vatican last July 10th...

For full story click here.

1 comment:

  1. He would have to do the same as Queen Christina. That would look impressive on TV.

    Following her decision to become a Catholic, she was obliged to abdicate. During the abdication ceremony at Uppsala castle in 1654, Christina wore her regalia, which was removed from her, one by one; but Per Brahe, who was supposed to remove the crown, did not move, so she had to take the crown off herself. Dressed in a simple white taffeta gown she held her farewell speech with a faltering voice, thanked everyone and left the throne to Charles X, who was dressed in black. Per Brahe felt that she "stood there as pretty as an angel".


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