Thursday 10 September 2009

NHS: The National Horrifying Scandal

This story blows every other story today out of the water. Totally. Yes, even the one about how the UN are trying to enforce guidelines on nations to teach and promote abortion and masturbation to children as young as five. Who gave them the right to start bossing us around on how to corrupt our nation's youth? Oi, UN! Get lost! Nobody asked you for your advice and besides, nobody can corrupt the nation's youth as well as we can. We don't need lessons! If you can't protect 5-year-olds from sex, let alone whole Rwandan tribes from mass murder, then how on earth could you be trusted to run a single currency?!

H/T to Creative Minority Report who spotted this story on the Daily Mail website.

Clearly, unless the Government enshrine the right to life in Parliament and do what the Church has always proclaimed it should - defend all human life - Doctors and medical staff will continue to show breathtaking disregard to the elderly, the unborn and, according to many people, just about anyone who walks through the door. I went to hospital with a friend of mine recently and she said, quite plainly, "They just don't care. Some do, but most don't care." This story is horrendous and for once I am rendered near speechless...

Sarah has set up a website called Justice for Jayden which you can visit here.

Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday. Sarah Capewell begged them to save her tiny son, who was born just 21 weeks and five days into her pregnancy - almost four months early. They ignored her pleas and allegedly told her they were following national guidelines that babies born before 22 weeks should not be given medical treatment.

Miss Capewell, 23, said doctors refused to even see her son Jayden, who lived for almost two hours without any medical support. She said he was breathing unaided, had a strong heartbeat and was even moving his arms and legs, but medics refused to admit him to a special care baby unit. Miss Capewell is now fighting for a review of the medical guidelines...

[For full story click here...]


  1. Thanks for this. This is EXACTLY the kind of "care" Obama's heath "czar" wishes the US to have. He's flat out stated that 15-40 year olds will get more and better care because the "state" has more invested in them and they are more useful to society.

  2. As Obama is 48, I presume we can infer that he has outlived his usefulness. Perhaps he needs to be introduced to the Liverpool "Care" Plan - the UKs great new idea for seeing off the elderly. It's a good job Dr Harold Shipman is no longer with us, or he would no doubt be suing for patent infringement.


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