Wednesday 8 July 2009

Men Are Useless!

It's official! Men are useless! For centuries now, ladies have chatted with their lady friends about how pointless men are...and now, after all those years, it looks like that opinion could become fact! That's right! Scientists are claiming that they can literally make sperm in laboratories that ladies can then have implanted into their wombs and no men have to worry whether they are fathers to several children in various cities, having 'donated' their "precious bodily fluids" (Dr Strangelove fans!) to the sperm bank, with the help of a quick wrist and a copy of Mayfair.

So yep, it would seem, in a few years time, the entire reproductive process can be divorced from sex entirely and that, if ladies wanted, there is no real need for a man at all. Incredible stuff! Is this the last nail in the coffin of fatherhood? I know some people will think I'm being misogynistic in my view, but I believe the end result of this line of scientific enquiry is a vast increase of single parent familes, as if that is a good thing, rather than a result of our fragile, fallen human nature. Bizarre...

What is less amusing and more horrifying is the fact that these 'sperm' have come from embryonic stem cells. What the? Creative Minority Report has a pretty accurate analysis of this development in mankind's 'progress' in the scientific field. 

Every once in a while a story comes along that not only reinforces the justness of our cause but makes abundantly clear the depravity of the other side.

This is the case with a story out today. When the world describes destroying children as a fertility breakthrough, we are in big trouble.

The Telegraph reports, 'Researchers at the pioneering Northeast England Stem Cell Institute say they have made the breakthrough using stem cells from an embryo. Within 10 years, the scientists say the technique could also be used to allow infertile couples to have children that are genetically their own. It could even be possible to create sperm from female stem cells, they say, which would ultimately mean a woman having a baby without a man.'

You really have to pause a moment to absorb just how monstrous and absurd this is. Scientists are destroying human life with the hope that with some manipulation they might be able to create it. We will kill babies in order to use their cells to create other babies. One goal of this monstrous pursuit is to remove men entirely from the reproductive process. This is the type of thing that cries out for old testament biblical comeuppance. This has to stop.


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