Saturday 23 May 2009

If you know your history...

...then this is the most disturbing video you will see all year. Brothers and sisters, behold Obama's 'Red Jackets'.

Was Pope Benedict XVI in Hitler Youth? Yes. Every youth had to be in Hitler Youth.

Will young Americans join Obama Youth? Yes. Every youth will have to be in Obama Youth.

Check it out! His supporters even have their own 'sign of progress'!

Apparently it symbolises 'One World'. Cute. Give it time and it will be the 'O' for saluting Obama himself.

No alarm bells ringing yet?

None? Ah well...Don't say I didn't warn you.

It looks very much like history is about to repeat itself. Germany must have been so full of youthful optimism when Hitler came to power. Just like then, this new 'civic pride' crap will end up in tears and a fictional future American Pope saying, "Yes, it's true. I was a 'Red Jacket'. I soon became disillusioned with the Obama regime..."

The 'peaceful' President is, undoubtedly semi-militarising the nation and he's only been in office 100 odd days. Boy! That Hitler! He really hit the ground running too, didn't he?!

So. Let's make an assessment here of the Obama phenomenom. Obama emerges, out of some political wilderness from nowhere, writes a book about his life, sells shedloads of them, and the media talk much of his community services as a younger man. We know little about him and he says very little, other than empty slogans about hope and change, but says them so charismatically that he makes even Tony Blair seem like an amateur politician.

Key themes of his crusade are civic service and pride in the nation. We know he is emphatically pro-abortion and even blocked the protection ensured to babies who survive abortion as a Senator. We know that if his own daughters fall pregnant, he doesn't want them to be 'punished with a baby', no, but would rather the baby be punished. The media adore him. Rap artists and folk singers sing Obama songs. He walks in the room and even self-obsessed celebrities think the sun shines out of his arse. There are tears of joy because America is all of a sudden at ease with its racist past and a half-black man is President. He is sold on this virtue of civic service. He gets into office and suddenly the pre-election talk of 'be the change we need' and 'make the difference' is put into a context of actual Government policy. But, the 'change', which results in this 'shitty year' campaign becomes mandatory.

Look at the star on the 'i' in nation! Heck! What was America doing fighting those 'commies' for so long! Looks like they've just elected one! Anyway, soon enough, thousands of these teenagers are 'red jackets' and they're in city centres doing these weird training exercises. Suddenly New York City looks like some freaky North Korean military march. The emperor looks on and applauds. The whole nation, bar some dissidents, who are presumably arrested and slung into jail like Alan Keyes, are on his side and former college lecturers are sweeping the streets at his call for civic action. This is how grizzly dictatorships start - interestingly, as a parallel - Hitler also had a book about his philosophy and life. He also had charm and charisma and people would do near anything for him.

I'm sorry, but wake up people! Obama has been groomed for electoral success and the presidency for a long time by people of influence who wanted this kind of neo-Nazi/communist state. He's like a can of coke. He's a product and he has been sold to the electorate as 'change'. He has been waiting in the wings for this moment for years. He mouths slogans telling Americans, 'I'm going to need you to help me change America'.

Yes, he is going to need 'every man, woman and child' in order to change America from a dwindling, broken, former economic powerhouse to a despotic, tyrannical regime from Hell, where kids sing songs in praise of him and his 'One World' claptrap pseudo-philosophy, young men put themselves totally at his 'service', and young women renounce family life and rush off to the abortion clinic to terminate their child, because such a responsibility would impede them in their glorious desire to join the 'red jackets'.

Just like Hitler he takes an unhealthy interest in eugenics, as seen by his swift desire to sign the Freedom of Choice Act and the Human Embryology legislation on the way yet somehow he deceives his nation into thinking everything that he is doing is for the good of the nation and communities, rather than the truth of the matter, which is that he blatantly attempting to remove another layer of human freedom - in this case, the freedom to be a grumpy, lazy or irritating teenager, so that everyone is geared up to serve the State. No, there will be no more layabout teenagers because they'll all be pumping iron and doing press ups in the community youth corps.

But there are no plans for any concentration camps in America, are there? Err...Some people seem to think there are.

Oh America! What have you done!? I think this is how the story ends...Pray for America...It is on the edge of an abyss.

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