Sunday 26 April 2009

Has the Church Been Infected With Freemasonry?

Barry Obama...Catholic? No...but he sure looks happy to be attending the first-ever Masonic Inaugural Ball...Looks like they've got their man, and if they haven't yet, possibly will. Note the black hand embracing the white hand in the poster for the Ball. How very not racist!

Masons target the powerful and those in influence from town councils, the Police, the Law Courts to Parliaments, Prime Ministers and Presidents for reasons known only to themselves.
Look who else the Inaugural Ball is in honour Catholic Senator Joe Biden. Hmm...No conflict with being Catholic and voting pro-abortion, according to Joe. No conflict attending this either, Senator?

There can be no doubt that the 1960s and 1970s were turbulent for the Church and times are turbulent now that the Holy Father is trying to stem the tide of liturgical excesses which have caused damage to the Body of Christ. He's ruffling some feathers among those who don't see that things went a 'bit too far' in the wrong direction.

It is highly likely that the Church, during a publicly perceived relaxation of the law forbidding Freemasonry, absorbed an infection into Her of those who have sworn their loyalty to a secret society.
The constant watering down of Church teaching by various clergy, the lack of firm conviction coming from certain Bishops to the Magisterium and a loss of the sacred are worrying signs of not only a secularisation of the Church, but also a pluralism of views. Also, I have no evidence for this whatsoever, but there is something vaguely masonic about 'The Tony Blair Faith Foundation'...which faith, Tony? All faiths?

It has always been an issue of severe concern for a Catholic to be a Freemason, since the Church has suffered at the hands of the Freemasons in history. It is a secret society and cannot be endorsed. To be an active Freemason and to be a Catholic is something that cuts one off from receiving the Blessed Sacrament. It is a mortal sin, since the society denies the Divinity of Christ and is most certainly, regarded by the Church as being, at its heart, anti-Christian, and anti-clerical.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

'After Vatican II the Church appeared to some to be easing its stance towards Masonry. In 1974 Cardinal Seper, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, signed a document that stated, in part, that:

"The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith... has ruled that Canon 2335 no longer automatically bars a Catholic from membership of masonic groups... And so, a Catholic who joins the Freemasons is excommunicated only if the policies and actions of the Freemasons in his area are known to be hostile to the Church ..."

This advice led some Catholics to believe that the prohibition was no longer in force, and that the Church no longer had many of its traditional objections to Freemasonry.

In 1983, the Church issued a new Code of Canon Law. Unlike its predecessor, Canon 1374 does not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies it condemns. It states in part:

"A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict."

This omission caused some Catholics and Freemasons to believe that the ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons may have been lifted, especially after the perceived liberalization of Vatican II, and caused confusion in the Church hierarchy. Many Catholics joined the fraternity, basing their membership on a permissive interpretation of Canon Law and justifying their membership by their belief that Freemasonry does not plot against the Church. It is claimed that Catholic Freemasons in America ignore the 1983 clarification from the Vatican, looking to the 1974 pronouncement.'

The great problem with Freemasonry and members being members of the Catholic Church is that, at best, the society brings into its fold people of all 'faiths' and seeks to instil a 'brotherhood of man', in which all religions co-exist. They swear on all the different holy books and find within all an esoteric knowledge which is 'enlightening'. For a Catholic, the Divinity of Christ and the Magisterium is the most important aspect of Faith. The Articles of Faith, which are not a 'secret', of the One True Faith, are not 'negotiable'. Anything which co-opts faith in the Blessed Trinity, the Divinity of Christ and His Holy Catholic Church is certainly a threat to the faith of the Catholic and the Faith in general. It undermines it, erodes it and, Popes down the centuries have warned, destroys it.


  1. From the beginning with Obama, I have suspected that he is a pawn in some larger sinister "game". Whether it be the Freemasons or some other secret society- it's not good.
    EWTN's Johnette Benkovic did an interview awhile back with a former Freemason who explins very clearly why a Catholic cannot be a freemason. You can search You Tube for the videos.

  2. Nearly all presidents of the USA (apart from George Washington and JFK) have been Freemasons.

    They have been responsible for the anti-Catholic attitudes of many governments in the past (notably Mexico in the early 20th century and France during the overthrow of the monarchy).

    As you have rightly observed they also promote naturalism and religious indifferentism - both pernicious errors condemned by the Church.

    The best book on Freemasonry that I read, in order to know more about them, is "The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled" by Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez, Archbishop of Santiago de Chile. Exposes them for what they are and how they have always tried to subvert the church

  3. Cardinal Annibale Bugnini was the principal author of the Vatican II liturgical reforms.

    If you google Bugnini AND freemason you will get nearly 1600 hits, a few of which are worth following up to get the flavour of the thing. There is no need to postulate any sinister plot but freemasonry promotes a certain sort of rationalism which seems to colour the new liturgy. But this rationalism is illusory because it can be traced in a line of descent from Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, and Rosicrucianism, to the Enlightenment.

    People will tell you that they become freemasons because it is a system of self improvement, meaning that it helps practitioners to become better people, and in my experience of freemasons I have met, perhaps it does - they often have a certain integrity. The "but" is that some may join because of the advantages to be gained from the opportunities for networking and meeting business peers whom they can trust.

    As a Catholic I would not of course contemplate joining but in my view, and in the absence of hard evidence, it is best to keep an open mind on the subject. They suffered badly under the Nazis, which must be counted in their favour.

  4. They suffered badly under the Nazis, which must be counted in their favour.Can it? This would sound very much like masonic propaganda to me - a ploy to save their face and make them look like "martyrs" but they are not.

  5. The Catholic Church and its Nazi Pope is a Whore. It can not meet a horrible enough end. Catholics who continue to donate to this filthy abomination love child sex and child rapists and want to protect them.

    Catholics are sick and deluded child raping perverts.

  6. Very interesting and intelligent comments, Anglela. Presumably you have researched the subject and have statistics to show that child rape amongst practising Catholics is significantly higher than within the population as a whole? Would you like to quote references to this sociological research?

    As regards the Church being a Whore, what precisely do you mean? Where does she practice her trade? Who are the clients? What sexual services are offered? What is her remuneration?

    As regards the Pope being a Whore, so far as I am aware this possibility has never been mentioned. The present Pope has indeed been called a Nazi on account of his alleged membership, when very young, of the Hitler Youth, but there has never been any mention of him being a prostitute, so if you have evidence, this would be a sensational journalistic scoop which you really ought to ensure is publicised.

    What sort of end do you envisage for the Catholic church?

  7. I am extremely surprised at the nonsense in this article. You are quick to quote Canons that show improper explanations of what freemasonry truly is. And why the church condemns it. One interesting little fact you might like to know is that...The papacy of the Roman Catholic Church has condemned Freemasonry and in 1738 Pope Clement XII said Freemasons were their mortal enemy. Pope Leo XXII stated the purpose of the Freemasons was the“overthrow of the religions, political and social order based on Christian institutions and the establishment of a state of things based on pure naturalism.” Which he admitted to being coerced by political and financial agendas. the papacy stated that this is the real reason that decree was made. And yet there is a document in the vatican archives signed by Pope Clement V, yet another Pope who condemned the masons and had them hunted down and killed by decree of the papacy, turned around and pardons those very same masons stating that they "posed no threat to the church and were wrongly accused of heracy, that it is with great saddness such attrocities were ever allowed to take place in the name of God. And these brothers of our faith are herby pardoned and are asked to forgive their brethren for the wrongs done to for you to perpetuate the myth that freemasons are against the church is irresponsible and not very "Christ'like"....for Christ himself said, it is for God to judge man...for only He knows what is truly in their hearts!
    Love your brothers as yourselves. Do not condemn those who believe in God simply because you do not know the truth of their hearts. You cannot always believe everything you are taught because man is not perfect and can make mistakes. True knowledge comes from seeking the truth and letting go of your own "prejudices", for only God can lead you to the truth. Knock and it will be opened, ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find...

  8. Freemasonry appears to be a means of transmitting the esoteric teachings of Gnosticism through small-scale theatrical tableaux, which is a very powerful method of propagation. Freemasons are not baby-eaters and tend in my experience to be notable for their honesty, responsibility and uprightness but Gnosticism is absolutely contrary to Orthodox Catholic doctrine, since, though it believes in a Deity, it leads in the end to the notion that man is both inherently good and supreme.

    According to Frances Yates, it is possible to trace a line of descent from the works of Hermes Trismegistus, via his translation by Marsilio Ficini, the Florentine Academy and the seventeenth century Rosicrucians, through the founders of the Royal Society and the eighteeth century Masons who are, it has been suggested, the moving force behind the Enlightenment and the American and French and American revolutions.

    This, it is suggested, led to the worship of Reason, and whilst there is a huge amount of nothing more than conjecture in all this, there is no doubt that the liturgy of the Novus Ordo has a strong flavour of Reason about it and leaves little sense of the mystery.

    There is no need to invoke conspiracy theory to suggest that the in recent times the teachings propagated by Freemasonry have exerted a strong influence on the Catholic Church.


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