Tuesday 23 December 2014

New 'Motivational Posters' for Curia at Each Office Desk in 2015

Go on! Put one up in your office and let the diseases among fellow staff be cured!

Physician, curia thyself!


Anonymous said...

These strange, superficial, trite and worldly preoccupations of the Holy Father indicate a materialist, secularist worldview which marry with his "ten rules for happiness" New Age fallacies earlier this year. All of a piece. All of a piece. St Michael, defend us in battle . . .

Anthony said...

And yet he was chosen and with the aid of the Holy Spirit. The Vatican politicians are a standing disgrace, and though I share some of the distaste for the Holy Father's inelegant articulations, he was not elected as a stylist, was he?

I assume that traddies share the desire to make the Church civil service less of a forum for the cunning and ambitious. If so, then they must not be too taken aback by the use of undiplomatic, maybe even clumsy, language when money changers invade the temple. There is, after all, a precedent.

Elizabeth said...

Well said, Lynda. I can't believe I'm saying this about a Pope but here goes....what a jerk.

Merry Christmas!

Consternation said...

These stern words from the Holy Father surely should also be contemplated by all of us. It is all too easy to see fault only in others.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's the pope we deserve ;( Merry and Holy Christmas to all.God bless+

Anonymous said...

Well said, Holy Father! Perceptive comments by one who has clearly spent some time in the trenches. #1 reminds me of something an old hand said to me when I first started work: "the cemetery is full of people who were indespensable!".

Unknown said...

"Let us kill him for he is obnoxious to us; he opposes our doings!" Wisdom 2:1

This is a tea party in the Roman Curia. We lecture the world and no one lectures us!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas, Mr. Bones!

May Our Lord continue to bless you abundantly!


Православный физик said...

This will go up in the office....may this pontificate have an early retirement.

Diacono Luigi said...

Elizabeth, cloaked in your anonymity, please do not feel brave for making such a scurrilous statement about Peter's successor. He was elected by the Magisterium to clean house. That is what he's doing. And for the rest to denounce him and wish everyone a Blessed Christmas, well, shame on you.

Dymphna said...

I'm with Elizabeth. I don't think he's very nice either but he is the pope. We have to love him but nobody ever said we have to like him. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

No, he is Pope in order to uphold, defend and promote the unchanging and unchangeable deposit of Faith, and attendant natural moral law, and to strengthen his brother bishops in their grave duty to do the same. What is "clean[ing] house"?? What has that to do with the grave duty of a pope to uphold the Faith, to glorify God in His Holy Church, to work for the salvation of souls through the means Our Lord and Saviour gave to His Apostles? If a pope does not do his most solemn and holy duty, he is harmful to the Church, to souls. Liking a pope is neither here nor there. The only thing that matters is that he is consistently and clearly upholding the Faith and morals, and helping and enabling his brother bishops to do so. If a pope is not doing his duty but opposing the Faith and morals and leading bishops, priests, religious and lay people away from the truth and into error (evil) it is our duty to oppose him. One cannot uphold the unchanging Faith and morality and support a pope who publicly and obstinately attacks the One True Faith and God's Laws.

Anonymous said...

His "style" is neither here nor there. As pope, he duty is to uphold the unachangeable Deposit of Faith and the Moral Law. This he does not do, but rather continually attacks the Faith and God's Commandments, corrupting the Church and endangering countless souls.

Anonymous said...

And it is blasphemous to say that the Holy Spirit wills evil - a pope that opposes the Faith. Evil-doing by popes is not the will of God. God never wills evil. His Will is Holy. It is people going against God's Holy Will that causes evil to be done. God has given persons free will, to freely do good or evil. We have seen popes and cardinals do much evil - against the Holy Will of God.

Damask Rose said...

I have to be honest and say I agree with the Pope's 15 diseases... (though perhaps His Holiness might want to look into his own heart a little...).

I have come across some awful haughty clericalist priests who seemed to treat parishioners as though they were just barbarian, stupid, sinning scum.

lucidmimi said...

Thank you, thank you and thank you, Lynda, you made my day!

Anonymous said...

How about a proliferation of posters that present the enumerated Ten Commandments and the Apostles' Creed - there and gifted down through the hierarchy to parishes and members? Money well spent for the lost looking for true Word from Rome.

The Pope Who Won't Be Buried

It has been a long time since I have put finger to keyboard to write about our holy Catholic Faith, something I regret, but which I put larg...